共 4 条词语
人寿年丰人员健康长寿庄稼连年丰收。形容社会安宁、人民安居乐业。例大地回春人寿年丰,…——老舍《老张的哲学》英the land yield good harvests and the people enjoy good health;[查看详情]
丰衣足食服饰丰厚食物充足。形容生活宽裕。英have rich food and clothing; be well-fed and well-clothed; have ample food and clothing;[查看详情]
家给人足家家丰衣足食。英homes have adequate supplies and people live in contentment; all live in plenty; be well-to-do; with ample of support; with each family for and every person well-fed and well-elothed;[查看详情]
穷奢极侈极端奢侈。例末世衰主穷奢极侈。——《后汉书陆康传》英live a life of wanton extravagance;也说“穷奢极欲”[查看详情]