共 8 条词语
忘恩负义忘却别人对自己的好处做事有损于过去的恩义。例如此忘恩负义以致弄到牺牲盟国去订“密约”的地步。英forgetful; turn on one's friend; kick away the ladder; be devoid of all gratitude;[查看详情]
恩将仇报用仇恨来回报受到的恩惠指忘恩负义。例要罗织月娘出官恩将仇报。——《金瓶梅》英bite the hand that feeds one; requite kindness with enmity;[查看详情]
鸟尽弓藏鸟打完了,就把弓收藏起来。比喻天下既定或大功告成之后就把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开。英cast sb.aside when be has served his purpose; kick sb. out after his services are no longer required,as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more bir[查看详情]
不识抬举不知道对方对他器重或不接受对方优待。例这和尚好不识抬举我这姐姐,哪些儿不好?——《西游记》英fail to appreciate sb's kindness;[查看详情]
兔死狗烹把抓住兔子的猎狗烹煮吃掉。比喻成就事业后就把有功之臣杀了只能共患难不能共欢乐。多指独裁专权。英cook the hound when the hares have been run down; trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness,as the hounds are killed for food[查看详情]