
共 5 条词语

  • 勾心斗角

    gōu xīn dòu jiăo

    勾心斗角指用心计、耍心眼明争暗斗,相互排挤。例业主们勾心斗角。这个人虽然年轻却善用心计,平日里禁不住会干些勾心斗角的勾当所以人缘很坏。英plot and wrangle; confront and intrigue against each other and get locked in strife;[查看详情]

  • 明争暗斗

    míng zhēng àn dòu

    明争暗斗公开场合和暗地里都在争斗不息较量不止。喻矛盾之深。英both open strife and veiled struggle; fight with both open and secret means;[查看详情]

  • 疑鬼疑神

    yí guǐ yí shén


  • 虚与委蛇

    xū yǔ wēi yí

    虚与委蛇委蛇:随顺应付。假意跟人附和敷衍应付。例乡吾示之以未始出吾宗吾与之虚与委蛇。——《庄子应帝王》不磨虚与委蛇正在子耐厌之时。——《邻女语》英pretend politeness and compliance;[查看详情]

  • 尔虞我诈

    ěr yú wǒ zhà

    尔虞我诈互相诈骗。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;[查看详情]