
共 8 条词语

  • 通好

    tōng hăo

    通好彼此友好往来(多指国与国之间)英(of nations)have friendly relations;[查看详情]

  • 缔交

    dì jiāo

    缔交缔结邦交。例合从缔交相与为一。——汉贾谊《过秦论》英establish diplomatic relations;朋友订交。英form(or contract)a friendship;[查看详情]

  • 来往

    lái wăng

    来往来和去。例街上来往的人很多。英come and go;通行。例翻修路面禁止车辆来往。英thoroughfare;联系、交往或接触——用于人。例他仅与那些百万富翁们来往。英contact; dealing; intercourse; mingle; transaction;左右;上下。例总不过二尺来往水。英about; around;[查看详情]

  • 交往

    jiāo wăng


  • 通气

    tōng qì

    通气使空气畅通;通风。英ventilate;互通消息;交换意见。英be in touch(communicate)with each other;[查看详情]

  • 邦交

    bāng jiāo

    邦交古代诸侯国之间的交往泛指国与国之间的外交关系。英diplomatic relations; intercourse between nations;[查看详情]

  • 结识

    jié shí

    结识结交。例新结识一个朋友。英gain; contract friendship; get to know;[查看详情]

  • 结拜

    jié bài

    结拜非亲属关系的人因感情深厚或有共同目的而相约为兄弟姐妹认干亲。英become sworn brothers or sisters;[查看详情]