共 9 条词语
求亲靠友指生活困难求亲友帮助。例叫你拿去或者做个小本买卖或者置几亩地以后别再求亲靠友的。——《红楼梦》英ask favors of relatives and friends;[查看详情]
越俎代庖原意指人各有专职庖人虽不尽职主祭者也不越过戉俎去替他办席。比喻超越自己的职分而代人做事。例为何擅离职守越俎代庖。——昆曲《十五贯》英take sb's job into one's own hand; exceed one’s functions and meddle in others’ affairs;[查看详情]
仰人鼻息比喻依靠别人而生存只能看人家的脸色行事。例解其倒悬仰人鼻息。——北齐杜弼《檄梁文》英be slavishly dependent; act on the orders of; depend on sb.'s whims and pleasures; live at sb.'s mercy.;[查看详情]
坐地分赃匪首、窝主等不亲自去作案而坐等分取赃物。英take a share of the spoils without participating personally in the robbery;[查看详情]
坐收渔利比喻利用别人之间的矛盾而获得利益。英reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; profit from others’ conflict; reap third party profit;[查看详情]
自生自灭自行产生、发展自行消失、幻灭。英emerge of itself and perish of itself; run its course;[查看详情]
寄人篱下比喻依附别人不能自立。英live under another’s roof; live on dependence of sb.; be (live) under sb's subjugation (thumb); rely on sb. for support; have one's feet (kness,legs) under sb's mahogamy;[查看详情]