共 4 条近义词
刚柔相济刚烈与柔顺相互弥补柔硬兼施,恩威并用。例凡为将者,当以刚柔相济,不可徒恃其勇。——罗贯中《三国演义》英temper force with grace; the strong and weak mutually assist each other;[查看详情]
外圆内方表面温和内心强硬的态度。掩盖着一种坚强的坚韧不拔的意志或决心的表面上文雅和彬彬有礼的态度。英velvet glove; be smooth on the surface,but firm at heart;[查看详情]
笑里藏刀形容外貌和善内心狠毒。例这是笑里藏刀言清行浊的人。——《水浒传》英velvet paws hide sharp claws; cover the dagger with smile; daggers hiden behind smiles; There are daggers in man' s smile;[查看详情]
口蜜腹剑口中说话极亲切心计多端图谋害人。英the kiss of death; honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted;[查看详情]