prick off
prick off词义
prick off用法
prick-off:Acute inorganic mercury poisoning
Progressive infantile poliodystrophy (Alpers' disease) with a defect in citric acid cycle activity in liver and fibroblasts
Differential diagnostic considerations in a patient with proximal muscular weakness.
Defects in citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain in progressive poliodystrophy
Progressive infantile poliodystrophy. Association with disturbed pyruvate oxidation in muscle and liver
Progressive infantile poliodystrophy (alpers' disease) and disorders of pyruvate metabolism
Locking mechanism for releasably retaining a power take-off shaft within an output shaft hub
Defects in citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain in progressive poliodystrophy
Homosociality in the Classical American Stag Film: Off-Screen, On-Screen