pretend to词义
pretend to用法
She pretends to great knowledge.
The Major Field Test in Business: A Pretend Solution to the Real Problem of Assurance of Learning AssessmentRiches to Rags: The Use of Freezing and Disclosure Orders against the Fraudsters who Pretend to Lose It All
Why the International Criminal Court Must Pretend to Ignore Politics
Diverticulitis in young patients: why we still should not pretend to know.
Sobre las formaciones Ager y Bagà, del Eoceno del Cadí (Prepirineo oriental) y de unos pretendidos olistolitos del mismo
Irony: Making as if we pretend to echo
We pretend to teach them, they pretend to learn
Consumers Pretend to Pay and Utilities Pretend to Supply Good Service: Breaking the Poor Performance Syndrome
Why do people with dementia pretend to know the correct answer? A qualitative study on the behaviour of toritsukuroi to keep up appe...
What it's like to pretend to live on Mars for 8 months