英式音标:[ˈɔ:gənaɪzd] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈɔrgənaɪzd] 怎么读
词汇归类 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 这个男人来自地球-The-Man-From-Earth 查莉成长日记第一季全集 英语单词词频20000之1-6000 现当代英语6000高频词汇 Google大数据29万高频美语词汇表
同义词: structured methodic institutionalized
同根词: organizer organize organizational organization organismal organism organised organise organisation
adj. 有组织的;安排有秩序的;做事有条理的
v. 组织(organize的过去分词)
组织( organize的过去式);
v.(动词)vt. & vi. 组织 form (parts) into a whole; put into working order; arrange in a system; make preparations for
organized[ 'ɔ:ɡənaizd ]
formed into a structured or coherent whole
methodical and efficient in arrangement or function
"how well organized she is"; "his life was almost too organized"
being a member of or formed into a labor union
"organized labor"
用作动词 (v.)
organize an amateur art group成立业余艺术组
organize an army组建军队
organize an attack组织一次进攻
organize an entertainment筹办娱乐活动
organize an evening school筹办夜校
organize an exhibition筹办展览
organize a government组织政府
organize one's ideas打腹稿,使思想条理化
organize oneself使自己有思想准备
organize a political party组织政党
organize one's thoughts使自己的思想有条理
organize one's work安排工作
organize well组织周密
organize badly组织不好
organize effectively有效地组织
organize into shock groups组成突击小组
well organized充分利用;组织有序
organized crime集团犯罪
organized religion有组织的宗教;组织宗教
organized labor n. 隶属工会的工人
The meeting was badly organized.
They planned to organize a scientific expedition.
I was asked to organize the trip, but I messed it up.
He was going to organize everything properly.
He needs to marry a down-to-earth person who will organize his life for him.
We'll organize an oratorical contest.
Self-organized criticality: An explanation of the 1/f noise.Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps
Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps
Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network.
Two-dimensional charge transport in self-organized, high-mobility conjugated polymers
Kohonen, T.: Self-Organized Formation of Topologically Correct Feature Maps. Biological Cybernetics 43(1), 59-69
Human acute myeloid leukemia is organized as a hierarchy that originates from a primitive hematopoietic cell.
Spontaneous Organized Molecular Assemblies. IV. Structural Characterization of N-Alkyl Thiol Monolayers on Gold by Optical Ellipsome...
ChemInform Abstract: Spontaneously Organized Molecular Assemblies. Part 4. Structural Characterization of n‐Alkyl Thiol Monolayers ...
Spontaneously organized molecular assemblies. 4. Structural characterization of n-alkyl thiol monolayers on gold by optical ellipsom...
organized (adj.)
1590s, "furnished with organs," past participle adjective from organize (v.). Meaning "forming a whole of interdependent parts" is from 1817. Organized crime attested from 1929.
1. This article is well-organized.
2. We banded ourselves together and organized a committee.
3. The other occasion was the concert we organized in 1957 when I was courting you, or you me.
4. I saw only one labor union table at the demonstration, but most of the people seemed to have no connection to organized labor.
5. I provided some teaser output, but this was not sufficently extensive nor well organized so that you could adequately interpret the results of the analysis.
6. As president of English Club, I organized the rehearsal of Snow White for an English party.
7. This was raised in a concert he organized to help victims of the Japan quake and tsunami.
8. This kind of collective review should happen in an organized way at least after every release, preferably after every iteration.
9. He was very well organized but that’s life, unfortunately.
10. As you preview the material,you get some idea of the content and how it is organized.
11. But in states organized like that of France, it is impossible to hold them with such tranquillity.
12. Yes, as a concept it is a good thing - and, depending on how your enterprise is organized it may only fit in some pockets but not necessarily all.
13. Click on “Add to my shared library” to start your own personalized library where you can label books to keep them organized for each class or project.
14. These are the dynamic processes of organization that continuously take place within the internal structure of all organized beings and in all natural processes.
15. At the end of the mini iteration, the team should review how requirements were organized and documented, and identify areas for improvement.
16. Configuration files, on the other hand, can provide an organized view of a web of relationships that span different components of an application.
而在另一方面 ,对于应用程序中跨越不同组件的关系网络,配置文件可以提供一个有组织的视图。
17. Impress upon him the need to define a manageable set of tasks and goals, and then direct his engeries toward completing them in an organized manner.
18. I call this content management by example because the user really creates an example of how the Web site will be organized, and XM needs no more configuration to turn it into the real Web site.
19. There will be no organized games of bingo or evening cabaret show.
20. The lexicon was simple a organized list of character strings. There were no additional information associated with each string.
21. I have seen many examples of a setup in which folders correspond to iterations, with subfolders underneath organized by discipline.
22. In this article I’ll share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest.
23. For example, "You can identify the few buildings that are critical, that have to stand up in the face of a large earthquake, like hospitals and schools, from which rescue operations can be organized.
例如,“建立一些容易识别的重要建筑物,这些建筑必须矗立在地震废墟之前,像医院和学校这些组织救援工作的地方。 但这一想法并没有实现。
24. Kitfield chronicles a revolution in that era in how the Army treated, organized, and trained its soldiers.
25. Whereas if you have a nice, tidy and organized workspace, you’ll be inspired to get work done.
26. Perhaps you do data entry, helping a big company to get their records organized so that they can take better care of their clients.
27. I want to learn to wake early, and to start running, and to eat healthier, and to be more organized, and to write every day … all at once!
28. He also has a car, so he organized a city tour for four friends.
29. He also has a car, so he organized a city tour for four friends.
30. The tabs in a dialog should be organized to provide either increased depth or increased breadth on a well-defined topic.
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31. This means that text and other navigable content will need to be displayed in a larger size, which will in turn dictate how screens of information are organized.
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32. Constrained drags are extremely helpful in drawing programs, particularly when drawing neatly organized diagrams.
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33. This is the common situation where a product, or most typically, a Web site, is organized, not according to how users are likely to think about information, but by how the company the site represents is structured.
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34. In general, controls and displays should be organized in an interface according to three attributes: frequency of use, degree of dislocation, and degree of risk exposure.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
35. Like most other design patterns, interaction design patterns can be hierarchically organized from the system level down to the level of individual interface widgets.
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36. However, after we accumulate a large number of items that we need to find and use, it helps to be a bit more organized.
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37. Each physician has certain patients, so it makes additional sense to filter the patients in the clinical interface so that each physician can choose from a list of her own patients, organized alphabetically by name.
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38. Books are then arranged numerically (and then alphabetically by author’s last name), resulting in a library organized by subject.
之后按照号(数字)进行排序,再按照作者姓的字母排序。 这样,整个图书馆的书便按照科目有序地组织起来了。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
39. Take, for example, mobile telephones. They often require navigation of seemingly countless modes organized into hierarchical menus.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓