
同义词 diabetes-mellitus




糖尿病患者( diabetic的名词复数 );




Prognosis of diabetics with diabetes onset before the age of thirtyone

Insulin Antibodies in Insulin-Dependent Diabetics before Insulin Treatment

Morbidity and mortality in diabetics in the Framingham population. Sixteen year follow-up study.

Progression of nephropathy in long-term diabetics with proteinuria and effect of initial anti-hypertensive treatment.

Prevention Of Diabetic Nephropathy With Enalapril In Normotensive Diabetics With Microalbuminuria

Human endothelial progenitor cells from type II diabetics exhibit impaired proliferation, adhesion, and incorporation into vascular ...

Rationale and design of a trial improving outcome of type 2 diabetics on hemodialysis. Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie Investig...

Effect of captopril on blood pressure and kidney function in normotensive insulin dependent diabetics with nephropathy

Protection of kidney function and decrease in albuminuria by captopril in insulin dependent diabetics with nephropathy.

Urinary 8-OHdG: a marker of oxidative stress to DNA and a risk factor for cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetics.