have it coming

英式音标[hæv it ˈkʌmɪŋ] 朗读怎么读

美式音标[hæv ɪt ˈkʌmɪŋ] 朗读怎么读

词汇归类 芝加哥Chicago

have it coming词义





have it coming

v.deserve (either good or bad)

have it coming用法



"I couldn't have seen it coming": the impact of negative self-relevant outcomes on retrospections about foreseeability

'Did the Humanities have it Coming?' A Response to Simon During

If it were to happen to me, would I see it coming? How identifying with the victim influences the foreseeability of a sexual aggress...

No, Rand Paul Didn't Have It Coming

Bad Bosses Have It Coming

The Old Buzzard Had it Coming

--It says we're not gonna have it so good in the coming year! / Baldy, [1981 June 18]

Hurling: They Have Had It Coming to Them; GAA: All-Ireland Hurling Quarter-Final .. Plus Controversy Rages over THOSE Boots A WHOLE ...

Adv 1 Advantage One: Proliferation It’s coming now and risks un-deterrable nuclear war

Strauss Has It Coming to Him after What He Did to Me