political favor
political favor词义
political favor用法
The exchanging of political favors, especially the trading of influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of projects that are of interest to one another.
Industrial r&d wins political favor.Missile Defense Gains Political Favor Amid Rifts
Former SCI-Pittsburgh Officials Claim They Were Fired as Political Favor
UN/Arab League envoy, Russian, U.S. diplomats favor political resolution of Syria crisis
What Political Institutions Favor Indigenous People’s Rights? A Latin American Study
Ozark Highroad Started out on Fast Track to Critics, `Emergency' Label Masked Political Favor
Israel's Land Seizure: Political Favor or West Bank Game-Changer?
Disney's no-fly zones, Is terrorism fear legitimate, or are they a political favor?
Community leader resigns over dispute ; Program's director received; job as political favor, he claims
Industrial R&D wins political favor. (research & development) (includes related article on Sematech)