英式音标:['fɪzɪklz] 怎么读
美式音标:['fɪzɪklz] 怎么读
身体检查,体格检查( physical的名词复数 );
involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit
"physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance"
relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics
"physical sciences"; "physical laws"
having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses
"a physical manifestation"
according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter)
"a reflex response to physical stimuli"
characterized by energetic bodily activity
"a very physical dance performance"
concerned with material things
"physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical size of a computer"
impelled by physical force especially against resistance
"a real cop would get physical"
physical education n. 体育课;体育教育
physical model物理模型;实体模型
physical property物理性质;实物财产
physical chemistry物理化学
physical training n. 体育;体能训练;身体训练
physical fitness身体健康;体力;身体适宜性
physical activity身体活动,体育活动;体力活动
physical examination体格检查
physical exercise体育运动;身体操练
physical health身体健康
physical distribution物流,物资调运
physical strength n. 体力
physical condition身体状况;实际条件;物理状态
physical culture n. 体育
physical quality身体素质
physical therapy n. 物理治疗法
physical geography自然地理学
physical environment物理环境,实体环境;自然环境
physical process物理过程;自理过程
physical world物质世界;物理世界
In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise.
His problem is mental, not physical.
He studied physical geography.
In many sports physical fitness is not as important as technique.
System and method for physicals commodity tradingImplementation of a Depression Screening in Adolescents during Sport/Activity Physicals in Rural Primary Care Clinic
Consumer concerns for healthcare information privacy: a comparison of US and Canadian perspectives
The Effects of the Number and Frequency of Physical Therapy Treatments on ~elkcted outcomes of ireatment in Patients With Anterior C...
Naive Theories of Motion.
Extinction and isolation gradients in metapopulations: the case of the pool frog (Rana lessonae)
Prescribing exercise in multiple short bouts versus one continuous bout: effects on adherence, cardiorespiratory fitness, and weight...
Service engineering—methodical development of new service products
Exposure to chemicals, physical agents, and biologic agents in mycosis fungoides and the Sezary syndrome.
Physical constraints on voluntary intake of forages by ruminants.