basement house

英式音标[ˈbeismənt haus] 怎么读

美式音标[ˈbesmənt haʊs] 怎么读

词汇归类 建筑专业词汇

basement house词义




basement house用法



Xxtra Cutz

Earth sheltering

(The extract from Installation Instruction SHP-TH22DDN/DHN-SW)

Great Maytham Hall

Maternal, pregnancy and fetal outcomes in de novo anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease in pregnancy: a systematic review

A Basement Packed with Dynamite

Application to Lay Concrete Sub-floor before relaying uplifted flagstone flooring in Basement.

1. Erection of a four storey building with basement on site on existing building to provide 10 one and two bedroom self-contained fl...

Use of basement, ground and mezzanine floors as office accommodation, meeting rooms and reception area (use class B1); external alte...

"Cyberwoman"episode guide entry on the BBC website