adhesive ability

英式音标[ədˈhi:siv əˈbiliti] 怎么读

美式音标[ædˈhisɪv əˈbɪlɪti] 怎么读

词汇归类 建筑专业词汇

adhesive ability词义




adhesive ability用法



ErbB-2 via PYK2 upregulates the adhesive ability of androgen receptor-positive human prostate cancer cells

Antibacterial activity and bonding ability of an adhesive incorporating an antibacterial monomer DMAE-CB

Adhesive ability and solvent solubility of propylene-butene copolymers modified with maleic anhydride

Induction curable two-component structural adhesive with improved process ability

Adhesive ability means inhibition activities for lactobacillus against pathogens and S-layer protein plays an important role in adhe...

Influence of Solid Surface, Adhesive Ability, and Inoculum Size on Bacterial Colonization in Microcosm Studies

Vitamin E blended Uhmwpe may have the potential to reduce bacterial adhesive ability

Research on the adhesive ability between ITO anode and PET substrate improved by polyimide buffer layer

Adhesive ability and biofilm metabolic activity of Listeria monocytogenes strains before and after cold stress

Sealing ability of new adhesive root canal filling materials measured by new dye penetration method