background heating
词汇归类 建筑专业词汇
background heating词义
background heating用法
The hotel has switched over to gas for heating.
Something is wrong with the heating system.
The analysis of background gas heating in direct current sputtering discharges via particle simulationA Method of Specifying the Gravity Wave Spectrum above Convection Based on Latent Heating Properties and Background Wind
Quantum-diffractive background gas collisions in atom-trap heating and loss
The circulation background of the extremely heavy rain causing severe floods in Huaihe river valley in 2003 and its relationships to...
Heating the magnetically open ambient background corona of the Sun by Alfvén waves
Stochastic Heating by ECR as a Novel Means of Background Reduction in the KATRIN Spectrometers
The Role of Atmospheric Heating over the South China Sea and Western Pacific Regions in Modulating Asian Summer Climate under the Gl...
Equilibrium Background of Processes Initiated by Heating and Ehrenfest’s Classification of Phase Transitions
Equilibrium Background of Processes Initiated by Heating and Ehrenfest’s Classification of Phase Transitions
Apparatus and method for electrical heating of aircraft skin for background matching