Peace Corps

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Peace Corps词义





Peace Corps

n.a civilian organization sponsored by the United States government; helps people in developing countries

Peace Corps用法




Many other friends from the Peace Corps were there as well.

Here I am not talking about traditional US public diplomacy tools like the Peace Corps.


Prophylactic doxycycline for travelers' diarrhea. Results of a prospective double-blind study of Peace Corps volunteers in Kenya.

Prophylactic Doxycycline for Travelers' Diarrhea — Results of a Prospective Double-Blind Study of Peace Corps Volunteers in Ke...

Travelers' Diarrhea among American Peace Corps Volunteers in Rural Thailand

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea of travelers: a prospective study of American Peace Corps volunteers.

Fatalities in the Peace Corps. A retrospective study: 1962 through 1983.

Serologic evidence of Cryptosporidium infection in US volunteers before and during Peace Corps service in Africa.

Malabsorption and jejunitis in American Peace Corps volunteers in Pakistan.

Recovery of small-intestinal structure and function after residence in the tropics. 1. Studies in Peace Corps volunteers.

Infections with intestinal parasites in Peace Corps volunteers in Guatemala.

All You Need is Love: The Peace Corps and the ...