a mess of

英式音标[ə mes ɔv] 朗读怎么读

美式音标[e mɛs ʌv] 朗读怎么读

词汇归类 英语常用词组

a mess of词义




a mess of用法



Have I made a mess of the plan?

Did you ever hear of anybody making such a mess of it as that?

He has made such a mess of this report. It'll take hours to put it straight.

She always makes a mess of things; she's a prize idiot.
她总是把事情弄糟; 她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋。


The fetomaternal interface in the placenta of three species of armadillos (Eutheria, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae)

"Evolutionary transformations of fetal membranes and reproductive strategies"- International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology Univ...

Evolutionary differentiation of the visceral yolk sac in caviids (rodentia, caviomorpha, caviidae)

The subplacenta in Octodon degus and Petromus typicus--two hystricognath rodents without significant placental lobulation.

Evolutionary transformations of fetal membrane characters in Eutheria with special reference to Afrotheria

Evolutionary transformations of chorioallantoic placental characters in rodentia with special reference to hystricognath species

Evolutionary transformations of fetal membranes and reproductive strategies

Qualitative Analysis of Tackifier Resins in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Time-of-Flight Mass Spec...

Influence of probiotic supplementation on immune response of broiler chicks.

The Rostral Nasal Skeleton of Hystricognath Rodents: Evidence on Their Phylogenetic Relationships