service break
service break词义
service break
n.a tennis game won on the opponent's service
service break用法
Service breakDegraded piping program -- Phase II: Summary of technical results and their significance to leak-before-break and in-service flaw ac...
Modelling firms propensity to continue service exporting: a cross-country analysis
The Propensity To Continue Service Internationalization - A Model Of Planned Behavior
The Propensity To Continue Service Internationalization - A Model Of Planned Behavior
Internationalization as a Process of Reasoned Action: The Propensity to Continue Service Internationalization
Care farms as a short-break service for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ☆
The Propensity To Continue Service Internationalization
Relationships between Motivations for Community Service Participation and Desire to Continue Service Following College.
Application of Degraded Piping Program Results to Leak-Before-Break and In-Service Flaw Assessment Criteria