

adj. 连续的;相继的;有顺序的






sequential[ si'kwenʃəl ] regular succession without gaps





sequential control[计]顺序控制;时序控制

sequential logic时序逻辑;顺序逻辑;循序逻辑

sequential method序贯法;顺序法

sequential analysis序列分析;序贯分析;逐次分析

sequential circuit[计]时序线路,程序电路

sequential design序贯设计

sequential sampling序贯抽样;顺序抽样

sequential access[计]顺序存取



The Power test executes a single stream of database queries in sequential order.

This production of items follows a sequential production life cycle.


Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals

A universal algorithm for sequential data ...

A universal algorithm for sequential data compression

Dryad:distributed data-parallel programs from sequential building blocks

IL-6 programs TH-17 cell differentiation by promoting sequential engagement of the IL-21 and IL-23 pathways

Dryad: distributed data-parallel programs from sequential building blocks

Sequential data assimilation with a nonlinear quasi-geostrophic model using Monte Carlo methods to forecast error statistics

Dryad : Distributed Data-Parallel Programs from Sequential Building Blocks Michael Isard Mihai Budiu Yuan Yu Andrew Birrell Dennis F...

Induction of TNF Receptor I-Mediated Apoptosis via Two Sequential Signaling Complexes

Sequential activation of ICE-like and CPP32-like proteases during Fas-mediated apoptosis



sequential (adj.)

1816, from Late Latin sequentia (see sequence) + -al (1). Related: Sequentially.



1. The approval process could be sequential or parallel.


2. But this will not improve performance at all because of the sequential processing done by the CSLD task!


3. This will continue up stream all the way to the client experience, as each sequential resource is tied up waiting on the bottleneck.


4. For an NPSI, this results in index lookaside and sequential detection.


5. This value determines how many sequential days to display the appointment.


6. Batch and query applications typically do a lot of sequential processing, while data access for OLTP tends to be more random in nature.

批处理和查询应用程序通常要进行大量的顺序处理,而用于OLTP 的数据访问往往更具有随机性。

7. This is a compact way of stating what a word would look like if you were to encounter one, without actually giving sequential instructions on how to recognize one.


8. With sequential access, the disk head can move directly to the next available track on the disk.


9. There are only two columns in the report: A sequential numbering and the formatted trace entry for each event.


10. Examining each of the Assign activities helps in understanding how the various tasks are linked together in the business process and how the data is exchanged between interrelated or sequential tasks.


11. In terms of sequential guidance this year, we are thrilled to be giving you guidance for 63% revenue growth, which will translate to 50% earnings growth.


12. By looking at the read and write sequence counts in detail, you can further determine if the access is sequential or random.


13. For example, a batch application producing a report of all processed data will likely be using sequential operations since all the data in the database needs to be processed anyway.


14. To optimize use of these professionals, management decided to overlap the evolutions more than for a typical project, which might overlap the Transition and Inception phases of sequential evolutions.


15. The structure of interactions between organizations and individuals is no longer a sequential chain, but rather an interactive network.


16. An NPSI would take advantage of lookaside on the index, for example, with a nested loop join in which the outer rows drive sequential access to the inner.

一个NPSI 可能在索引上利用后备链表的优势,例如,使用一个嵌套循环联接,其中外部行驱动对内部行的顺序访问。

17. This behavior avoids hot spots in the storage and exploits the performance of sequential writes (faster than random writes).


18. The biggest benefit of writing to the log first, then writing to the database is that all writes to log files are sequential in nature.

首先写入日志,然后再写入数据库,这样做的最大好处在于,所有日志文件写入操作本质上都是按顺序 进行的。

19. Processing types: SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests.


20. The connector can work with partitioned databases in parallel or sequential mode.


21. Batch and Utilities: Batch and utility programs typically deal with large amounts of data, often processing the data in a sequential manner.


22. It is very important to distribute data horizontally across multiple containers so that with a high number of sequential disk reads, all disk spindles can move in parallel.


23. IBM proposed to use sequential analysis to determine whether any of these events or event sequences indicate that a more severe problem is about to occur.


24. The two types of write behind are sequential and random.


25. The problem with sequential development (for example, waterfall) is that it forces designers to take a depth-first rather than a breadth-first approach.


26. We came to the first meeting intending to discuss the strengths of iterative and incremental software development over sequential ("waterfall") development.


27. It looks like we are doing a sequential scan (of an entire table) to satisfy the SQL command, whatever it is.


28. It looks like we are doing a sequential scan (of an entire table) to satisfy the SQL command, whatever it is.


29. Although the paradigm was called menu-based at the time, we refer to these menus as sequential and hierarchical to differentiate them from the menus in widespread use today.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

30. The sequential hierarchical menu enabled users to forget many of the commands and option details required by the command-line interface. Instead of keeping the details in his head, a user could read them off the screen.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

31. One of the rejects: "Sequential curtailments."


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

32. Sequential hierarchical menus lightened the amount of memory work required of users, but forced them to laboriously navigate a maze of confusing choices and options.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

33. Mobile phones and other small-screened devices (such as blood glucose meters) are typically even a generation behind drop-down menus and provide interaction idioms much in the vein of the sequential hierarchical menu (which you’ll recall from earlier in the chapter).


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

34. The appellation stuck, and the age of the sequential hierarchical menu began.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

35. The command-line interface really separated the men (and women) from the nerds. As software got more powerful and complex, however, the memorization demands that the command-line interface made on users were just too great, and it had to give way to something better. Sequential hierarchical menus


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

36. Because creative human activities are rarely a sequential, linear process, the steps in the Framework phase shouldn’t be thought of as a simple sequence.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

37. This is unfortunately a much messier reality than the neat sequential compartmentalization of design and construction.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

38. Because only one menu at a time could be placed on the screen and because software at that time was still heavily influenced by the batch style of mainframe computing, the hierarchical menu paradigm was sequential in behavior.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓