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美式音标:[ʃek] 怎么读
词汇归类 绯闻女孩第一季逐集添加 肖申克的救赎-The-Shawshank-Redemption 盗梦空间-Inception 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 阿甘正传 老友记六人行第一季全集
同义词: wobble wave wag wafture unsteady tossing shudder shimmy rock palpitate jowl joggle grue fluctuate dither dingle cranking agitate
同根词: shook shaky shaking shakiness shakily shaker shake shakable
vt. 动摇;摇动;震动;握手
vi. 动摇;摇动;发抖
n. 摇动;哆嗦
n.(名词)[C] 摇动,震动,颠簸 act of shaking or being shaken
[P] 哆嗦,发颤 fit of trembling or shivering
v.(动词)vt. & vi. (使)急速摇动或颠簸 cause sb/sth to move quickly and often jerkily from side to side or up and down
vi. 发抖,打战,发颤 (of a person) tremble; quiver; (of sb's voice) become weak or faltering
vt. 使心绪不宁,烦恼或惊吓 disturb the calmness of sb; trouble or shock sb
building material used as siding or roofing
frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
同义词:milkshakemilk shake
a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement
causing to move repeatedly from side to side
move or cause to move back and forth
move with or as if with a tremor
shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively
move back and forth or sideways
undermine or cause to waver
"my faith has been shaken"
stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
同义词:stimulateshake upexcitestir
get rid of
"I couldn't shake the car that was following me"
同义词:shake offthrow offescape from
bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking
"He was shaken from his dreams"; "shake the salt out of the salt shaker"
shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state
"shake one's head"; "Don't shake your fist at me!"
用作名词 (n.)
get the shakes发抖
give sth a shake摇一下某物
have the shakes使劲摇
put sb on the shake向某人勒索钱财
dubious shake含义不明的摇头
fair shake公平交易
great shake平凡
hearty shake亲切的握手
impatient shake不耐烦的摇头
impressive shake难忘的握手
nervous shake紧张的颤抖
respectful shake尊敬的握手
strong shake有力的握手
weary shake疲倦的摇头
a fit of the shakes打哆嗦
with a shake摇头
a shake of the head摇一下头
one shake of the stick棍棒的摇动
用作动词 (v.)
shake a foot跳舞
shake apples摇下苹果
shake building震动楼房
shake hands握手
shake head摇头
shake leaves摇树叶
shake one's coat脱去外衣
shake one's head摇头
shake sand抖沙子
shake sides捧腹大笑
shake snow抖雪
shake stick挥棍子
shake the bad habit除去坏习惯
shake the bad influence摆脱坏影响
shake the chair摇椅子
shake the company to its foundations动摇该公司的基础
shake the dust抖去尘土
shake the house震动房子
shake the press摆脱新闻报道
shake the rain抖雨水
shake the sand抖去沙子
shake the snow抖去雪
shake one's belief动摇信仰
shake one's confidence动摇信心
shake one's determination动摇决心
shake one's religion动摇宗教信仰
shake one's testimony动摇证词
shake the economy动摇经济
shake energetically使劲地摇
shake furiously愤怒地挥动
shake inwardly向内摇
shake quickly快速地摇动
shake rudely粗鲁地摇动
shake vehemently使劲地摇
shake vigorously大力改组
shake violently猛烈震动
shake warmly热情地挥动
shake well摇匀
shake away抖掉
shake the earth away抖掉泥土
shake down把…摇落下来,适应,敲诈
shake the fruit down摇落果实
shake off摆脱,抖掉,推掉(责任),抛弃
shake off a bad habit改掉坏习惯
shake off cold治愈感冒
shake out摇开,抖开,抖掉
shake out a sail扬帆
shake up搅动,摇动,摇匀,使(人)振作
shake up a bottle of medicine摇匀药水
shake up a cushion抖松靠垫
shake down for the night临时借宿
shake down in a new environment适应新的环境
shake out of使摇落,抖掉
shake head at对…摇头(表示不赞成)
shake head at the idea对这个建议摇头
shake sb by the shoulder抓住某人的肩膀猛摇
shake from使摇落,抖掉
shake sth from a tree把…从树上摇落
shake sth off clothes把衣服上的…抖掉
shake head over对…摇头(表示不赞成)
shake with因…而发抖
shake with cold冷得发抖
shake with fear害怕得发抖
shake with laughter捧腹大笑
shake off摆脱;抖落
shake hands with与……握手
shake up摇匀;重组;震动
no great shakes平凡的,并不出众的,不重要的
milk shake奶昔(牛奶和冰淇淋等的混合饮料)
shake down勒索;适应新环境;摇落
shake off poverty摆脱贫困,脱贫
fair shake[美口]公平待遇;诚实对待
shake it off摆脱
shake out抖出;打开
shake on it[口语](和解等时)握手,握手言和
tremble, shake, shivertremble 颤抖,发抖,指因寒冷、情绪变化、体弱多病而不由自主轻微地抖动。如:A poor old woman stood at the corner, trembling with age.(一位可怜的老妇人站在拐角处,因年老而不断哆嗦。)
shake 颤抖,颤动,指任何短促而急促的摇动,有时喻指对决心,信念的动摇。如:He was shaking with fear.(他吓得发抖。) Nothing can shake our determination.(什么也动摇不了我们的决心。)
shiver 战栗,寒战,指因寒冷,恐惧或体弱多病而引起的抖动。如:The old man stood shivering in the wind-swept street.(这位老人站在寒风凛冽的街上发抖。)
tremble, shudder, quiver, shake, vibrate, shiver这组词都有“震动,颤抖”的意思,其区别是:
Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
He shook his head in disapproval.
His voice shook with fear.
It's time to shake out the red flag.
She reached out her hand and offered to shake his.
When people meet,they shake hands as a token of friendship.
He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.
The old man was all of a shake at the news.
You should give him a fair shake.
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shake: [OE] Shake is a general Germanic verb, although today its only surviving relatives are Swedish skaka and Norwegian skage. It comes from a prehistoric Germanic *skakan, which goes back to the Indo-European base *skeg-, *skek- (source also of Sanskrit khajati ‘agitate, churn’ and Welsh ysgogi ‘move’).
shake (v.)
Old English sceacan "move (something) quickly to and fro, brandish; move the body or a part of it rapidly back and forth;" also "go, glide, hasten, flee, depart" (related to sceacdom "flight"); of persons or parts of the body, "to tremble" especially from fever, cold, fear" (class VI strong verb; past tense scoc, past participle scacen), from Proto-Germanic *skakanan (cognates: Old Norse, Swedish skaka, Danish skage "to shift, turn, veer"). No certain cognates outside Germanic, but some suggest a possible connection to Sanskrit khaj "to agitate, churn, stir about," Old Church Slavonic skoku "a leap, bound," Welsh ysgogi "move." Of the earth in earthquakes, c. 1300. Meaning "seize and shake (someone or something else)" is from early 14c. In reference to mixing ingredients, etc., by shaking a container from late 14c. Meaning "to rid oneself of by abrupt twists" is from c. 1200, also in Middle English in reference to evading responsibility, etc. Meaning "weaken, impair" is from late 14c., on notion of "make unstable." To shake hands dates from 1530s. Shake a (loose) leg "hurry up" first recorded 1904; shake a heel (sometimes foot) was an old way to say "to dance" (1660s); to shake (one's) elbow (1620s) meant "to gamble at dice." Phrase more _____ than you can shake a stick at is attested from 1818, American English. To shake (one's) head as a sign of disapproval is recorded from c. 1300.
shake (n.)
late 14c., "charge, onrush," from shake (v.). Meaning "a hard shock" is from 1560s. From 1580s as "act of shaking;" 1660s as "irregular vibration." The hand-grip salutation so called by 1712. As a figure of instantaneous action, it is recorded from 1816. Phrase fair shake "honest deal" is attested from 1830, American English (Bartlett calls it "A New England vulgarism"). The shakes "nervous agitation" is from 1620s. Short for milk shake from 1911. Dismissive phrase no great shakes (1816, Byron) perhaps is from dicing.
1. Give your hand a shake shake shake and turn yourself about.
-- 来源 -- 小蜜蜂-小学生益智英文儿歌(2) - 5. Here We Go Looby-loo
2. Shake, shake, shake your shoulders,
-- 来源 -- 小学英语(四年级上学期适用)(2004年6月版;2004年8月 - MODULE 2 Directions Unit 2 The train is going up the hill.
3. Shake, shake, shake your shoulders, shake them up and down.
-- 来源 -- 小学英语(三年级下学期适用)(2003年11月版) - MODULE 10 Directions Unit 3 Shake your shoulders.
4. shake, shake, shake your shoe and stamp it on the ground.
-- 来源 -- 小学英语(三年级下学期适用)(2003年11月版) - MODULE 10 Directions Unit 3 Shake your shoulders.
5. shake down; shake off
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 学习
6. Shake, shake, shake your shoes. And stamp it on the ground!
摇,摇,摇晃你的鞋。 然后踩在地上!
-- 来源 -- 小学英语(二年级下学期适用)(2003年12月版) - Module 9 Positions Unit 2 Shake your shoulders.
7. Give yourself a shake shake shake and turn yourself about.
-- 来源 -- 小蜜蜂-小学生益智英文儿歌(2) - 5. Here We Go Looby-loo
8. Give your foot a shake shake shake and turn yourself about.
-- 来源 -- 小蜜蜂-小学生益智英文儿歌(2) - 5. Here We Go Looby-loo
9. Give your head a shake shake shake and turn yourself about.
-- 来源 -- 小蜜蜂-小学生益智英文儿歌(2) - 5. Here We Go Looby-loo
10. Shake responsibilities
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语