英式音标:[ru:z] 怎么读
美式音标:[rus,ruz] 怎么读
考级分类 GRE
词汇归类 权力的游戏-第三季 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 美剧基础词汇 House-of-Cards-纸牌屋-第一季 霍比特人amp圆梦巨人amp瑞士军刀男 SSAT-Word-List
n. 策略,计策;诡计
n. (Ruse)人名;(罗、塞)鲁塞;(英)鲁斯
ruse[ ru:z, ru:s ]
n.a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
Their first ruse having failed, then tried another.
他们一计不成, 又施一计。
Ruse culture shows diversity posture in the expression in market economy.
The criminal adopted ruse to escape detection.
To feign frankness is a ruse of war.
Preparation and oxygen reduction activity of stable RuSe x /C catalyst with pyrite structureRuse and representations: On children's ability to conceal information.
On Ruse's Spaces of Recurrent Curvature
Selenium Becomes Metallic in Ru−Se Fuel Cell Catalysts: An EC-NMR and XPS Investigation
Reprint of “A study of Rh x S y /C and RuSe x /C as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction catalysts for mixed-reactant fuel cell appli...
Preparation, characterization, and high performance of RuSe/C for direct methanol fuel cells
Asymmetric Neuroimaging in Creutzfeldt‐Jakob Disease: A Ruse
Gouverner par la ruse: L’État camerounais face aux exigences internationales de conservation de la biodiversité
La ruse d’Uber : penser « en même temps »
Balzac et la condition féminine, ruse, perfidie, coquetterie et la psychologie de l'autre
ruse: [15] Ruse and rush ‘hurry’ are ultimately the same word. Both come from Old French ruser ‘drive back, detour’. From this was derived the noun ruse, which brought the sense ‘detour, deviation’ with it into English. It was used in the context of a hunted animal dodging about and doubling back on its tracks to throw off its pursuers, and this led in the early 17th century to the emergence of the metaphorical sense ‘trick, stratagem’.The precise origins of Old French ruser are uncertain. It is generally referred to Latin recūsāre ‘refuse’, source of English recusant and possibly of refuse, but it has also been speculated that it came via a Vulgar Latin *rursāre or *rusāre from Latin rursus ‘backwards’.=> rush
ruse (n.)
early 15c., "dodging movements of a hunted animal;" 1620s, "a trick," from Old French ruse, reuse "diversion, switch in flight; trick, jest" (14c.), back-formed noun from reuser "to dodge, repel, retreat; deceive, cheat," from Latin recusare "deny, reject, oppose," from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + causari "plead as a reason, object, allege," from causa "reason, cause" (see cause (n.)). It also has been proposed that the French word may be from Latin rursus "backwards," or a Vulgar Latin form of refusare. Johnson calls it, "A French word neither elegant nor necessary." The verb ruse was used in Middle English.
1. I saw through your little ruse from the start.
从一开始我就看穿了你的小计谋。 。
2. It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.
3. It is likely a Chinese government ruse to make the eventual tunneling route more palatable by comparison.
4. But my father loves to tease, so he kept the ruse up for some time, and after that night I never played the game again.
5. Would you spent on me so many years Kung Fu, makes me on the heart, now play to capture Gu Zong, Congratulations, ruse succeeded.
6. To feign frankness is a ruse of war.
7. The children thought of a clever ruse to get their mother to leave the house so they could get ready for her surprise.
8. Russia is a ruse.
9. Constant escape just asked what ruse, yue buqun suddenly shot killed will escape.
定逸刚问什么计策,岳不群突然出手杀死了定逸。 。
10. Modern-day analysis of the Steganographia shows that the tricky mathematics and magic were a ruse to keep this useful technique out of the hands of those that would abuse it.
11. The request for exfiltration was a ruse, and the promised documentation and purported contact with a local dissident leader were merely bait .
12. Lighting fires to create a smoke screen is an ancient ruse in military tactics.
13. Decoy offensive: This ruse allows the player to create decoy units to simulate an army.
14. Computer ruse is a valuable element of modern learning.
15. Mr. Wu fired off an angry letter to Beijing recounting the ruse and warning the vice premier that he had been "deceived."
16. Under the ruse of giving an academic lecture, I was trying to put myself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for my children.
17. The missing check is just a ruse as he really wants someone -- preferably female -- to talk to.
18. Their first ruse having failed, they tried another.
19. Their first ruse having failed, they tried another.
20. Their first ruse having failed, they tried another.
21. The fox pretended to be dead as a ruse to confuse the hunters.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
22. Just as he finished congratulating himself on his innocent ruse he was bumped hard by one of his opponents.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
23. Their first ruse having failed, then tried another.
他们一计不成, 又施一计。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
24. To do something seriously after starting it as a joke, ruse, etc.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
25. My ruse failed.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
26. To feign frankness is a ruse of war.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
27. A ruse;a trick.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
28. think up a ruse for getting into the cinema without paying
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
29. a sly fellow, trick, ruse
狡诈的家伙、 伎俩、 计谋
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
30. After all it was a ruse of the Thenardiers to obtain money,Cosette was not ill.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考