enroll in词义




enroll in用法



Me? Enroll in the ACS Employment Service?

Who failed to enroll in Medicare Part D, and why? Early results

Willingness to participate and enroll in a phase 3 preventive HIV-1 vaccine trial

Understanding the Decision to Enroll in Graduate School: Sex and Racial/Ethnic Group Differences

Parent motivation to enroll in parenting skills programs: A model of family context and health belief predictors.

Intentions of young students to enroll in science courses in the future: An examination of gender differences

How do AD patients and their caregivers decide whether to enroll in a clinical trial?

The Effect of Gender Differences in Primary School Access, Type, and Quality on the Decision to Enroll in Rural Pakistan

Alzheimer's disease patients' and caregivers' capacity, competency, and reasons to enroll in an early-phase Alzheimer's disease clin...

The determinants of female junior high school students' intentions to enroll in elective physical science courses in high school: Te...