英式音标:[ˌhaɪəˈrɑ:kɪkl] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˌhaɪəˈrɑrkɪkl] 怎么读
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adj. 分层的;等级体系的
hierarchical[ ,haiə'rɑ:kikəl, hai'rɑ:- ]
adj.classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers
"it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art"; "in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first"
hierarchical structure分级结构,层级结构
hierarchical clustering分级群聚
hierarchical model分层模型;层级模型
hierarchical control分级控制;阶层控制
hierarchical cluster analysis层序聚类分析
hierarchical network[计]分级网络;阶层式网路
hierarchical organization等级结构,分层结构;层次组织
hierarchical design分层设计
hierarchical planning分级规划;递阶规划
The federal judiciary is hierarchical.
All state judiciaries are hierarchical, like the federal system.
Congress is a collegial and not a hierarchical body.
Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective FunctionA large-scale hierarchical image database
ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database
Distributed Hierarchical Processing in the Primate Cerebral Cortex
A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering
Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods (2nd ed.) by Stephen W. Raudenbush; Anthony S. Bryk
Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods. Advanced qualitative techniques in the social sciences, 1
A New Fast/Efficient Image Codec Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
A New Fast/Efficient Image Codec Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
A new, fast, and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees
hierarchical (adj.)
1560s, from hierarchic + -al (1). Related: Hierarchically.
1. The mapping table is a common construct that allows you to map one hierarchical structure to another.
2. Unlike other side-by-side mapping tools, the mapping table does not provide full mapping power of any hierarchical structure to another.
3. For larger clusters, a hierarchical approach is needed, with the management node being connected to two or more service nodes and the compute nodes being provisioned from the service nodes.
4. Best practice: Although you can create all three stores under a single organization, there are benefits to defining a hierarchical organization structure that matches your business requirements.
5. It is also critical to note that processes may be hierarchical or related in some other way.
6. To reach the page for this particular agency he must click through a complex hierarchical navigation, as shown in Figure 3.
7. One way to deal with system complexity is to decompose both structure and behavior in a hierarchical way.
8. Each link that describes a relation turns into a list in the hierarchical data.
9. Currently, before the introduction of the contextual portal, he must repeatedly click through a complex hierarchical navigation each day.
10. This list will represent all of the requirements in the project in their hierarchical structure, including folders (see Figure 10).
11. Each step in the assembly passes the entire hierarchical input to the output, plus an additional enrichment branch is added to the output that contains the result of the step computation.
12. The modern view is one of "hierarchical merging, " in which bits and pieces build up over time.
13. However, the hierarchical structure of an XML message eliminates ambiguity and makes repeating the entity name unnecessary.
14. The assembly is a series of steps that perform enrichments and transformations on hierarchical data.
15. The reporting examples include simple tabular reports, two styles of hierarchical drill-down reports, cross tabs, and several GDI+ charts.
16. The input and output steps of the assembly have a distinguished role: They transform relational data into hierarchical data and hierarchical data back to relational data, respectively.
17. There are files and a hierarchical directory structure, but beyond that you will need to develop a different way of thinking.
18. Most of the time, the hierarchical nature of DNS naming is convenient, but it concentrates a lot of power in one place and raises challenging governance issues.
19. If they follow the hierarchical model, they solve one problem very well.
20. So what this program allows you to do is to create pieces of text (about anything you wish) and organize them into a hierarchical structure.
因此 ,这个程序的功能就是让你创建文本(写下你想写的任何内容)并把它们组织成分级结构。
21. It provides pages with hyperlinks that enable you to move up and down the hierarchical tree.
22. This hierarchical display includes only the objects in your verification point.
23. It was also hierarchical and distributed.
24. This system cannot be hierarchical, and it should not be bureaucratic.
25. For these scenarios, one technique that can be used to overcome the implicit cluster size limit is to define a hierarchical cluster or “super cluster,” as shown in Figure 1.
对于这些情况,可以用来克服这种潜在的集群大小限制的技巧就是定义一个具有层次结构的集群,即 “超级集群”,如图1所示。
26. Devices can be hierarchical in how they are linked together, and some devices have both physical and logical representations.
27. To better handle DOORS modules, you can do a hierarchical analysis that captures the entire object hierarchy for modules that do not allow clear identification of sections and requirements.
28. Object databases (ODBMSs) in some ways go back to the hierarchical model.
对象数据库 (ODBMS)在某些方面退回到了层次模型。
29. Object databases (ODBMSs) in some ways go back to the hierarchical model.
对象数据库 (ODBMS)在某些方面退回到了层次模型。
30. Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.
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31. The problem arises when the user interface attempts to accurately represent the concepts of recursion, hierarchical data, or multithreading.
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32. They can be highly problematic for users; many people have difficulty thinking in terms of hierarchical data structures.
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33. Arguably the most significant advance of the GUI menu was this retreat from the hierarchical form into monocline grouping.
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34. Early menus, as we’ve seen, were hierarchical.
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35. The appellation stuck, and the age of the sequential hierarchical menu began.
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36. All programmers are fluent in these algorithms, including such things as recursion, hierarchical data structures, and multithreading.
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37. Tree controls are listviews that can present hierarchical data. They display a sideways tree, with icons for each entry.
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38. In most cases, users don’t care if their job is accomplished with hierarchical databases, relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat-file systems, or black magic.
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39. Take, for example, mobile telephones. They often require navigation of seemingly countless modes organized into hierarchical menus.
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