
英式音标['hi:məsaɪt] 怎么读

美式音标['himəˌsaɪt] 怎么读

词汇归类 研究生医学英语 温医临床专英重点单词 医学英语词汇大集合 医学英语长难词语

同义词 corpuscule







A hemocyte is a cell that plays a role in the immune system of invertebrates. It is found within the hemolymph.





Insect hemocytes and their role in immunity.

Bacteria–hemocyte interactions and phagocytosis in marine bivalves

Embryonic origin of hemocytes and their relationship to cell death in Drosophila.

Signaling role of hemocytes in Drosophila JAK/STAT-dependent response to septic injury

A Hemocyte-like Cell Line Established from the Malaria VectorAnopheles gambiae Expresses Six Prophenoloxidase Genes

Croquemort, A Novel Drosophila Hemocyte/Macrophage Receptor that Recognizes Apoptotic Cells

Immune gene discovery by expressed sequence tags generated from hemocytes of the bacteria-challenged oyster, Crassostrea gigas

Immunostimulation of tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) hemocytes for generation of microbicidal substances: Analysis of reactive oxyg...

Tachyplesin, a class of antimicrobial peptide from the hemocytes of the horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus). Isolation and chemi...

Immune gene discovery by expressed sequence tag analysis of hemocytes and hepatopancreas in the Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus va...



1. We get the complexity time series from time scan spectrum of hemocyte suspension.


2. Objective: exploring whether different temperatures may affect the testing result of hemocyte analyzer.


3. We can not neglect the examination of hemocyte morphology in order to prevent leak of blast cell when we analyzed blood sample with analyzer.


4. The morphology of the whole hemocyte and the variation of organelle and nucleus were observed by TEM in order to determine the composition of shrimp anticoagulant.


5. The results of blood compatibility show that: (1) heparin can maintain the structures of hemocyte and plasma proteins.


6. Method:The size and distribution of WBC were observed in WBC histogram by fully auto hemocyte analyzer.


7. Method:The size and distribution of WBC were observed in WBC histogram by fully auto hemocyte analyzer. Results:Normals and all kinds of leukaemia patients had their specific WBC histograms.


8. Conclusion Import hemolysis reagent could be replaced with our self-made hemolysis when applied in KX-21 automatic hemocyte analyzer.


9. When laminarin as an immune activator was present, phenoloxidase (PO) activities in cell debris, hemocyte lysate solution and plasma were measured as 26.80, 16.68, and 2.53 U, respectively.


10. Defibrase can effectively reduce blood viscosity, content of fibrinogen, hemocyte aggregation and platelet aggregation.


11. Hemocyte SOD activity significantly decreased with increased dose of dopamine injections during 4, 8 and 16 hrs, then recovered to base level after 24 hrs.

血球超氧岐化酵素活性在注射后4小时、8小时及16小时随著注射多巴胺浓度的增加 而显著性的减少,至24小时后回至基础值。

12. In the infected locusts, hemocyte concentration decreased rapidly inside those individuals having no thermoregulation ability compared with those ones having or uninfected individuals.


13. Objective To investigate if the self-made peroxidase sheath reagent can be used to substitute for PEROX SHEATH in ADVIA120 hemocyte analyzer.


14. Objective To develop a kind of hemolysis reagent which is applied in KX-21 automatic hemocyte analyzer.

目的研制KX 2 1全自动血细胞分析仪的溶血剂,实现在KX21全自动血细胞分析仪上的广泛应用。

15. High concentrations of NP, by reducing hemocyte to effect. the immune function of Eriocheir sinensis.


16. We also discussed the modes of hemocyte-mediated phagocytosis and the morphological change of hemocytes during the progress of nodulation and encapsulation.

另外还就吞噬模式, 以及集结和包囊过程中粘附态细胞的形成等加以讨论。

17. We also discussed the modes of hemocyte-mediated phagocytosis and the morphological change of hemocytes during the progress of nodulation and encapsulation.

另外还就吞噬模式, 以及集结和包囊过程中粘附态细胞的形成等加以讨论。

18. Temperature affects the testing result of hemocyte analyzer.


-- 来源 -- 网友提供

19. Objective To investigate if the self-made peroxidase sheath reagent can be used to substitute for PEROX SHEATH in ADVIA120 hemocyte analyzer.


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20. Conclusions The self-made peroxidase sheath reagent can be used to replace the imported original reagent PEROX for ADVIA120 hemocyte analyzer.


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21. granular hemocyte


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

22. The development and applications of hemolysis reagent for AC-920 automatic hemocyte analyzer


-- 来源 -- 网友提供

23. Application of Self-Made Reagent for AC-920 Automatic Hemocyte Analyzer


-- 来源 -- 网友提供

24. exploring whether different temperatures may affect the testing result of hemocyte analyzer.

目的 :探讨不同温度是否影响血细胞分析仪的检测结果。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

25. Preparation and application of self-made peroxidase sheath reagent for ADVIA 120 hemocyte analyzer


-- 来源 -- 网友提供