a day off
a day off词义
a day off用法
A day free from work that one may spend at leisure; a day off.
假日人们可不工作而享受闲暇的日子; 休假
He got off on the wrong foot when he asked the boss for a day off after working there only a week.
I'll have a day off next week.
Can I have a day off?
A Day OffA Day Off
Administration of CI-1033, an irreversible pan-erbB tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is feasible on a 7-day on, 7-day off schedule: a phas...
Rotating-shift nurses after a day off: peripheral clock gene expression, urinary melatonin, and serum 17-β-estradiol levels
'It's like having a day of freedom, a day off from being ill': exploring the experiences of people living with mental health problem...
Re: Bracci M et al. "Rotating-shift nurses after a day off: peripheral clock gene expression, urinary melatonin, and serum 17-estrad...
Diurnal cortisol pattern of shift workers on a workday and a day off
IJMS, Vol. 17, Pages 623: Peripheral Skin Temperature and Circadian Biological Clock in Shift Nurses after a Day off
Peripheral Skin Temperature and Circadian Biological Clock in Shift Nurses after a Day off
A day off in Denmark