age limit

英式音标[eidʒ ˈlimit] 怎么读

美式音标[edʒ ˈlɪmɪt] 怎么读

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age limit词义





复数:age limits


age limit

n.regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position

age limit用法



We aimed to calculate the association of diabetes after age 50 years with life expectancy and the number of years lived with and without CVD.

Term limits involve restricting the number of years an officeholder or lawmaker may serve in a particular office.There is a term limit for the U.


Age Limit

Age limit

Is there an upper age limit for bone marrow transplantation?

In search of the best upper age limit for breast cancer screening.

Sixteen years age limit for learner drivers in Sweden--an evaluation of safety effects.

Can the age limit for endoscopy be increased in dyspepsia patients who do not have alarm symptoms?

Seventy‐five years is an appropriate upper age limit for population‐based mammography screening

3–19 Seventy-five Years is an Appropriate Upper Age Limit for Population-Based Mammography Screening

Age limit for surgical treatment of poor-grade patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage: A project of the Chugoku-Shikoku division of t...

Reexamination of the age limit for defining when puberty is precocious in girls in the United States: implications for evaluation an...