英式音标:['bɪt] 怎么读
美式音标:['bɪt] 怎么读
bright young things 年轻人用品(英国较年轻者的用品);
Kairomones and their use for management of entomophagous insects: II. Mechanisms causing increase in rate of parasitization byTricho...Byt-aligned bitmap compression
Changes in the crustacean communities of Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie following the invasion of the predatory cladoceran Bythotre...
The differing crustacean zooplankton communities of Canadian Shield lakes with and without the nonindigenous zooplanktivore Bythotre...
An evaluation of the diet of Mysis relicta using gut contents and fatty acid profiles in lakes with and without the invader Bythotre...
When moderation is mediated and mediation is moderated
Safety and tolerability of caspofungin acetate in the treatment of fungal infections
Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Brain
Fundamental dimensions of social judgment
1. Some factors which affect the properties of BYT thin films were discussed.
并就影响BY T薄膜铁电性能的因素进行了分析。
2. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) were employed to analyze the structure and composition of BYT thin films. The ferroelectric measurements were performed using a RT66A ferroelectric tester.
3. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) were employed to analyze the structure and composition of BYT thin films. The ferroelectric measurements were performed using a RT66A ferroelectric tester.
4. a byt?, sanace a vysou? ení staveb, vodoinstalaté rské, elektromontá? ní a zá me? nické prá ce.
-- 来源 --
5. After coagulating,no big changes in PGE and pupil between 2 kinds eyes of rabbits were found byt there
结果 :光凝固后 ,立即测出点药眼和未点药眼的PGE含量和瞳孔径数值差别不大 ,但两眼前房水混浊消退时间差别显著。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供