英式音标:[θʌm] 怎么读
美式音标:[θʌm] 怎么读
词汇归类 Sherlock-Holmes-神探夏洛克-第一季 教父-The-Godfather 肖申克的救赎-The-Shawshank-Redemption 乱世佳人 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 老友记六人行第一季全集
同义词: turn-over
vt. 翻阅;以拇指拨弄;作搭车手势;笨拙地摆弄
vi. 用拇指翻书页;竖起拇指要求搭车
n. 拇指
n.(名词)[C]拇指 the short thick finger at the side of your hand
thumb[ θʌm ]
the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb
the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb
a convex molding having a cross section in the form of a quarter of a circle or of an ellipse
同义词:ovoloquarter round
travel by getting free rides from motorists
look through a book or other written material
"He thumbed through the report"
feel or handle with the fingers
rule of thumb经验法则
thumbs down vt. 拇指向下;责备
green thumb有特殊园艺才能
rules of thumb经验法则;拇指规则
tom thumb n. 大拇指汤姆(英民间故事中只有拇指大的主人公)
under the thumb被控制
thumb drive指状储存器;拇指驱动器
thumb down[口]贬低;[口]拒绝
Don't suck your thumb; it's so dirty.
He caught his thumb in the door.
He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
You ought to thumb through this art book sometime.
They managed to thumb a lift to Paris.
If we miss the last train we can always thumb a lift home.
Rules of Thumb for Social LearningRules of thumb for judging ecological theories.
A Caution Regarding Rules of Thumb for Variance Inflation Factors
Biomechanical analysis of static forces in the thumb during hand function
Rediscovering Workflow Models from Event-Based Data using Little Thumb
Rediscovering workflow models from event-based data using little thumb
Curvature characteristics and congruence of the thumb carpometacarpal joint: Differences between female and male joints
A randomized, controlled trial of two-thumb vs two-finger chest compression in a swine infant model of cardiac arrest [see comment]
Surgical management of basal joint arthritis of the thumb. Part I. Long-term results of silicone implant arthroplasty.
Surgical management of basal joint arthritis of the thumb. Part II. Ligament reconstruction with tendon interposition arthroplasty.
thumb: [OE] The thumb is etymologically the ‘swollen’ part – an allusion to its greater thickness than the other fingers. Along with its relatives German daumen and Dutch duim, it goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *thūmon. This in turn can be traced to Indo- European *tum- ‘swell’, which also produced English tumour and tumult. The b in thumb appeared in the early Middle English period, when it was still a two-syllable word (thumbe), and at first was pronounced, but it has fallen silent over the centuries.=> thigh, thimble, tumour, tumult
thumb (n.)
Old English þuma, from Proto-Germanic *thumon- (cognates: Old Frisian thuma, Old Saxon, Old High German thumo, German Daumen, Dutch duim "thumb," Old Norse þumall "thumb of a glove"), literally "the stout or thick (finger)," from PIE *tum- "swell," from root *teue- (2) "to swell" (see thigh). For spelling with -b (attested from late 13c.), see limb.
In some of the IE languages there is a single word for "thumb," which is called the "big finger," like NE big toe. Many of the single words are of similar semantic origin, based on the notion of "stout, thick." [Buck]
Compare Greek megas daktylos "thumb," but Greek also had antikheir, literally "what is opposite the fingers." Italian pollice, French pouce are from Latin pollex, perhaps formed (on analogy of index) from pollere "to be strong." To be under (someone's) thumb "be totally controlled by that person" is recorded from 1580s. Thumbs up (1887) and thumbs down (1906) were said to be from expressions of approval or the opposite in ancient amphitheaters, especially gladiator shows, where the gesture decided whether a defeated combatant was spared or slain. But the Roman gesture was merely one of hiding the thumb in the hand or extending it. Perhaps the modern gesture is from the usual coachmen's way of greeting while the hands are occupied with the reins.thumb (v.)
"to go through" (especially of printed material), 1930, from thumb (n.), though the related sense of "soil or wear by handling" dates from 1640s. Earlier as a verb it meant "to play (a musical instrument) with the thumb" (1590s). Meaning "to hitchhike" is 1939; originally the thumb pointed in the direction one wished to travel. Related: Thumbed; thumbing. To thumb (one's) nose as an expression of derision is recorded from 1903.
1. We aim for 80% contrast as a general rule of thumb.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
2. That is, a user moves the sliding thumb to indicate, by its relative position, a proportional value for use inside the program.
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3. Standards, guidelines, and rules of thumb
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4. Microsoft’s printing solution is a reasonable rule of thumb. Put immediate access to functions on buttons in the toolbar and put access to function-configuration dialog boxes on menu items.
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5. When the thumb is over the annotation, the annotated feature of the text is visible in the display (see Figure 11-10).
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6. The scrollbar’s thumb is the small, draggable box that indicates the current position, and, often, the scale of the “territory” that can be scrolled.
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7. What, then, is the meaning of dragging the thumb to one end of a calendar scrollbar?
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8. His sore thumb puffed up.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
9. Hints about the locations of these items appear in the “track” that the thumb of the scrollbar moves in, at the appropriate location.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
10. Interface standards are thus most appropriately treated as detailed guidelines or rules of thumb. Following interface guidelines too rigidly or without careful consideration of the needs of users in context can result in force-fitting an application’s interface into an inappropriate interaction model.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓