英式音标:[sens] 怎么读
美式音标:[sɛns] 怎么读
词汇归类 Sherlock-Holmes-神探夏洛克-第一季 少年派的奇幻漂流-Life-of-Pi 乱世佳人 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 阿甘正传 老友记六人行第一季全集
同义词: perception noesis mind intellection idolum feel consciousness concepts concept
同根词: sensory sensorial sensor sensing sensible sensibilize sensibility senselessly senseless sense sensationalist sensational sensation sensate
n. 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智
vt. 感觉到;检测
n. (Sense)人名;(英)森斯
n.(名词)[C] 官能,感官 any of the five natural powers of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling which gives a person or animal information about the outside world
[S] 感觉; 辨别力; 观念,意识 a feeling, especially one that is hard to describe exactly
[U] 见识,道理 good and especially practical understanding and judgment
[P] 知觉,理智,理性 normal state of mind, ability to think
[C] 意义,意思 a meaning
v.(动词)vt. 感觉到; 意识到; 发觉 have a feeling, without being told directly
a general conscious awareness
"a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self"
the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted
"the dictionary gave several senses for the word"; "in the best sense charity is really a duty"
the faculty through which the external world is apprehended
"in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"
同义词:sensationsentiencesentiencysensory faculty
sound practical judgment
"Common sense is not so common"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away"
同义词:common sensegood sensegumptionhorse sensemother wit
a natural appreciation or ability
"a keen musical sense"; "a good sense of timing"
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
detect some circumstance or entity automatically
"This robot can sense the presence of people in the room"; "particle detectors sense ionization"
become aware of not through the senses but instinctively
"I sense his hostility"
"I sensed the real meaning of his letter"
用作名词 (n.)
affect the sense影响感觉
arouse one's sense唤起意识
develop a sense培养意识
dull the senses使感觉迟钝
give complete sense表达完整的意思
give sb the sense of给人一种…的感觉
have a sense有感觉
lack a sense缺乏意识
lose one's senses失去理智
make sense说得有理
please one's own sense of beauty满足自己的审美感
recover senses恢复知觉
show a sense of humor表现幽默感
speak sense说话有道理
stimulate a sense of honor激励荣誉感
talk sense说话有道理
train the sense of培养…意识
use a little sense少许有些头脑
absolute sense绝对意义
broad sense广义
certain sense某种意义
common sense常识
different sense不同的意思
double sense双重意义
everyday sense日常意义
false sense错误的感觉
five senses五种官能
general sense一般意义
good sense常识,常人具有的判断力
keen sense强烈的意识
literal sense字面意义
musical sense乐感
narrow sense狭义
proper sense本义
real sense真正意义
strict sense严格的意义
the sixth sense第六感觉
wide sense广义
horse sense(起码的)常识
language sense语感
news sense新闻感
weather sense气候感
by the sense of smell依靠嗅觉
from a sense of duty出于责任感
in a sense从某种意义上说
in a bad sense贬义地
in a certain sense在某种意义上
in a general sense在广义上
in a loose sense不确切
in a popular sense在广义上
in a vague sense意思模糊地
in any sense无论如何,总之
in no sense绝不,绝非
in some sense在某种意义上
in the large sense在广义上
in the ordinary sense在普通的意义上
in the strict sense of严格地讲
out of a sense of duty从责任感出发
out of senses精神错乱
past all sense of shame无廉耻心
through the five senses通过五官
under a sense of duty在责任感的驱使下
with a sense of relief有如释重负之感
without any sense of shame不知羞耻
sense about science科学常识
sense between the lines字里行间的意义
sense of a speech演讲的意思
sense of art艺术感
sense of beauty审美感
sense of delight高兴
sense of duty责任感
sense of gratitude感激之情
sense of honour荣誉感
sense of humor幽默感
sense of responsibility责任感
sense of right or wrong是非观念
sense of shame羞耻感
sense of sight视觉
sense of smell嗅觉
sense of taste味觉
sense of the word词的意义
sense of touch触觉
用作动词 (v.)
sense danger感到危险
sense different tastes感觉到不同的味道
sense sb's alarm察觉某人的惊恐
sense sb's hostility感到某人的敌意
sense the gravity of the situation感到形势的严重
sense the imminence of a disaster感到大祸临头
sense the impatience of sb感到某人的焦躁
sense automatically自动地感到
sense instinctively本能地感到
sense intuitively直觉地感到
sense jealously妒忌地感到
sense keenly敏锐地感到
sense morbidly不健康地感到
sense mysteriously秘密地感到
sense nervously神经紧张地感到
sense precociously超前地感到
sense prophetically先知般地感到
sense secretly秘密地感到
sense uncannily不可思议地感到
sense vaguely模糊地意识到
sense of…的感觉
in a sense在某种意义上
make sense有意义;讲得通;言之有理
sense of responsibility责任感,责任心
common sense常识
good sense n. 判断力强
sense of humor幽默感,幽默
in the sense就…意义而言
make sense of搞清…的意思
no sense不必;没道理
in the sense of从…意义上说
narrow sense狭义
sense of belonging归宿感,归属感
sense of smell嗅觉
sense of beauty n. 美感;审美感
sense organ感觉器官
sense of duty n. 责任感;责任心
sixth sense第六感,直觉
in a broad sense广义上讲
sense of direction方向感
implication, sense, meaning这组词都有“含义,意义,意思”的意思,其区别是:
sensation, feeling, perception, sense这组词都有“感觉”的意思,其区别是:
discrimination, judgement, sense这组词都有“识别力,判断”的意思,其区别是:
I lost my sense of taste.
I had the sense that he was worried about something.
I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.
He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.
Your brother has a good sense of humor.
Scholars tend to lack a sense of proportion.
The sense of the word is not clear.
The sense of the novel is the inevitability og human tragedy.
Forget it. He had lost his senses.
Don't act so foolishly, John. Come to your senses.
There is no sense in waiting three hours.
There is a lot of sense in what she has said.
The horse sensed danger and stopped.
Lisa sensed that he did not believe her.
Can you sense the essence of this poem?
The apparatus can sense the presence of toxic gases.
Sense amp equilibration deviceSENSE: sensitivity encoding for fast MRI.
Sensitivity encoding for fast MRI (SENSE)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sense self-DNA coupled with antimicrobial peptide
Applications of circumscription to formalizing common-sense knowledge
Combining Local Context and Wordnet Similarity for Word Sense Identification
Combining Local Context and Wordnet Similarity for Word Sense Identification
Combining Local Context and Wordnet Similarity for Word Sense Identification
Experiential Marketing : How to get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate to your Company and Brands
Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part I--Carrier Sense Multiple-Access Modes and Their Throughput-Delay Characteristics
sense: [14] Sense comes ultimately from Latin sentīre ‘feel’, a prodigious contributor to English vocabulary (it is also the source of assent [13], consent, dissent [16], resent, sentence, sentient [17], and sentiment). From it was derived the noun sēnsus ‘faculty of perceiving’, which was borrowed by English as sense. And sēnsus in turn spawned its own derivatives, which have given English sensation [17], sensible [14], sensitive [14], sensual [15], and sensuous [17].=> assent, consent, dissent, resent, sensible, sentence, sentiment
sense (n.)
c. 1400, "faculty of perception," also "meaning, import, interpretation" (especially of Holy Scripture), from Old French sens "one of the five senses; meaning; wit, understanding" (12c.) and directly from Latin sensus "perception, feeling, undertaking, meaning," from sentire "perceive, feel, know," probably a figurative use of a literally meaning "to find one's way," or "to go mentally," from PIE root *sent- "to go" (cognates: Old High German sinnan "to go, travel, strive after, have in mind, perceive," German Sinn "sense, mind," Old English sið "way, journey," Old Irish set, Welsh hynt "way"). Application to any one of the external or outward senses (touch, sight, hearing, etc.) in English first recorded 1520s.
A certain negro tribe has a special word for "see;" but only one general word for "hear," "touch," "smell," and "taste." It matters little through which sense I realize that in the dark I have blundered into a pig-sty. In French "sentir" means to smell, to touch, and to feel, all together. [Erich M. von Hornbostel, "Die Einheit der Sinne" ("The Unity of the Senses"), 1927]
Meaning "that which is wise" is from c. 1600. Meaning "capacity for perception and appreciation" is from c. 1600 (as in sense of humor, attested by 1783, sense of shame, 1640s).sense (v.)
"to perceive by the senses," 1590s, from sense (n.). Meaning "be conscious inwardly of (one's state or condition) is from 1680s. Meaning "perceive (a fact or situation) not by direct perception" is from 1872. Related: Sensed; sensing.
1. In some sense, they should be.
2. You are not talking sense.
3. It is like the sense of chill that follows immersion of the hand in a volatile liquid.
4. Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.
5. I appreciate the sense of urgency because I feel it myself.
6. But it made some sense.
7. If we were outside this, it would almost be meaningless, in the sense as before time.
8. All she has is the sense that there is this pattern.
9. There would be no sense of separation.
10. Will we lose our sense of uniqueness, and if so, what would that mean?
我们会失去我们的独特意识吗?如果是这样 到底意味着什么?
11. They sense and mimic peers’ behavior from early on, too, looking up at the ceiling if others around them do so or mirroring others’ cringes of fear and anxiety.
12. Where do they get this idea of group rules, the sense of “we who do it this way”?
13. She seemed to sense his irritation.
14. I mean, in a general sense, I think, no, they should not.
15. If we now look at the generated definitions file, it should make some sense.
16. I try to make each song make sense for itself.
17. I try to make sense of my universe.
18. They have no sense of mortality and they live for the moment.
19. We have suggested that you will feel a sense of disconnection (and we want you to; that is your –what is your expression?
20. I know about the voices, the sense of vanishing, the horrible envy of others.
21. I know about the voices, the sense of vanishing, the horrible envy of others.
22. Without this sense of purpose, interactive products are just a disorganized jumble of technological capabilities.
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23. Flow often induces a “gentle sense of euphoria” and can make you unaware of the passage of time.
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24. In addition, although it might, in some instances, make sense to render in detail objects people are familiar with, what is the sense of similarly rendering unfamiliar objects and abstract concepts (for example, a network)?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
25. Scrambling the order of the letters destroys the sense of the document.
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26. It should be noted that we use the term interface in an abstract sense here.
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27. In many cases, it makes no sense for the program to separate these related functions.
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28. Without models, we are left to make sense of unstructured, raw data, without the benefit of any organizing principle.
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29. Controls must have text or iconic labels on them to make sense.
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30. Our brains manage the overwhelming amount of data our visual sense provides by discerning visual patterns and establishing a system of priorities for the things we see, which in turn allows us to make sense of the visual world.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
31. When considering whether it makes sense for personas to have business or social relationships, think about:
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