Surgical treatment of the upshoot and downshoot in Duanes' retraction syndromeTreatment of upshoot and downshoot in Duane syndrome by recession and Y-splitting of the lateral rectus muscle
A case of congenital oblique retraction syndrome with upshoot in adduction.
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Upshoot-Downshoot Phenomenon of Duane's Retraction Syndrome
Inferior Oblique Anterior Transposition in the Treatment of Upshoot in Duane Syndrome
Vertical rectus recession for the innervational upshoot and downshoot in Duane's retraction syndrome
Accessory fibrotic lateral rectus muscles in exotropic Duane syndrome with severe retraction and upshoot
Perbandingan Kemampuan Lay-up shoot Sisi Kanan dan Lay-upshoot Sisi Kiri Siswa yang Mengikuti Ekstrakurikuler BolabasketSMA Negeri 3...
Y-splitting with recession of lateral rectus versus lateral rectus recession in correcting upshoot in Duane retraction syndrome
Surgical approach to type i duane syndrome together with head position and upshoot: a case report /Bas pozisyonu ile birlikte yukari...