词汇归类 词根词缀记忆词典
短语monomersequenstering prote单体隔离蛋白
Matrix prote基质蛋白M
prote philosophia第一哲学
individual prote个人护理
prote ct发电机
labour prote劳动保护鞋
prote ousia第一在场
The Prote保护者
Prote AX蛋白水解酶
1.Resultsmaysignificantlyproteratbile flow volume, directbilrubin,totalbilrubin.并能明显增加大鼠胆汁中总胆红素、直接胆红素含量。2.TheLordismyprote. . .耶和华是我的岩石,我…绵羊朊蛋白等位基因多态性的研究www.ilib.cn4.AdvancesinResearchandApplicationofASIProteinASI蛋白的特性及其应用研究进展www.ilib.cn5.Proteintoimprovingthemethodofshellingnuts坚果脱壳效果改进方法的探讨www.ilib.cn权威例句
An Hsp70-like protein in the ER: identity with the 78 kd glucose-regulated protein and immunoglobulin heavy chain binding proteinEvidence for excitoprotective and intraneuronal calcium-regulating roles for secreted forms of the beta-amyloid precursor protein.
From the Cover: Understanding the nanoparticle–protein corona using methods to quantify exchange rates and affinities of proteins f...
Induction of immunological tolerance by apoptotic cells requires caspase-dependent oxidation of high-mobility group box-1 protein.
Identification of MAPKAP kinase 2 as a major enzyme responsible for the phosphorylation of the small mammalian heat shock proteins.
Rapid stimulation by insulin of a serine/threonine kinase in 3T3-L1 adipocytes that phosphorylates microtubule-associated protein 2 ...
Age and duration of follow-up as modulators of the risk for ischemic heart disease associated with high plasma C-reactive protein le...
Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access published April 22, 2007 MolProbity: all-atom contacts and structure validation for proteins a...
Persistent inhibition of cell respiration by nitric oxide: crucial role of S-nitrosylation of mitochondrial complex I and protective...
Localization of Distinct Peyer's Patch Dendritic Cell Subsets and Their Recruitment by Chemokines Macrophage Inflammatory Protein (M...