英式音标:[klɒk] 怎么读
美式音标:[klɑk] 怎么读
词汇归类 盗梦空间-Inception 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 这个男人来自地球-The-Man-From-Earth 傲慢与偏见与僵尸-Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies 星际穿越-Interstellar Friends老友记分频单词书上册
n. 时钟;计时器
vt. 记录;记时
vi. 打卡;记录时间
n. (Clock)人名;(英)克洛克
n.(名词)[C]钟,座钟,挂钟 instrument that shows the time of day which stands on a shelf or floor, or hangs on a wall
clock[ klɔk ]
n.a timepiece that shows the time of day
v.measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time
"he clocked the runners"
用作名词 (n.)
advance the clock把钟调快
beat the clock提前完成任务
fight the clock抢时间
head a clock把钟调快
hold the clock弄清时间
kill the clock拖时间
put back the clock把钟调慢
race the clock争分夺秒
regulate a clock校钟
run out the clock故意拖延时间来阻止对方得分
set back the clock开倒车
set the clock调准时钟
turn back the clock把钟调慢
watch a clock看钟等待
wind a clock给钟上发条
atomic clock原子钟
biological clock人体生物钟
crystal clock晶体钟
digital clock数字钟
electric clock电钟
electronic clock电子钟
grandfather's clock有摆的落地大座钟
musical clock八音钟
pendulum clock有摆的钟
programme clock程序钟
time clock计时钟
tower clock屋顶钟,楼钟
alarm clock闹钟
against the clock争分夺秒
like clock像钟表似的
work round the clock夜以继日
alarm clock闹钟
around the clock日以继夜地,连续一整天
clock in打卡上班;记录上班时间
clock on打卡上班
digital clock数字显示式时钟
clock tower钟楼;钟塔
against the clock分秒必争地;用秒表记时
round the clock连续一整天,昼夜不停;毫不疲倦地
biological clock生物钟
system clock系统时钟
electronic clock电子钟
time clock打卡钟,出勤记录钟
wall clock挂钟
clock frequency时钟频率,时钟脉冲频率
internal clock生物钟;内时钟;内频
clock cycle时钟周期
turn back the clock把钟拨慢
real-time clock实时时钟
turn the clock back时光倒转;回到过去;把钟拨慢
clock skew[计]时钟歪斜;时钟脉冲相位差
The clock shows half past two.
This clock has outlasted several owners.
The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.
There must be something wrong with my clock.
Workers usually clock off at 5.30.
I usually clock in at 8 o'clock.
He clocked 9.8 seconds for the 100 metres.
Telomere loss: mitotic clock or genetic time bomb?Role of the CLOCK Protein in the Mammalian Circadian Mechanism
Calibration of the Lutetium-Hafnium Clock
Phylogenetic test of the molecular clock and linearized trees.
Dating the human-ape splitting by a molecular clock of mithocondrial DNA
Evidence for a mitotic clock in human hematopoietic stem cells: loss of telomeric DNA with age.
Mutagenesis and Mapping of a Mouse Gene, Clock, Essential for Circadian Behavior
Dating of the human-ape splitting by a molecular clock of mitochondrial DNA.
A Comparison of the Molecular Clock of Hepatitis C Virus in the United States and Japan Predicts That Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incid...
r8s: inferring absolute rates of molecular evolution and divergence times in the absence of a molecular clock.
clock: [14] The clock appears to have been so named because it told the hours by the chiming of a ‘bell’, medieval Latin clocca. The Latin word, which emerged in the 7th century and may have been of Irish origin, probably reached English via Middle Dutch klocke. Besides being applied to time-pieces, it has also lent its name to two garments on account of their supposedly bell-like shape: cloak [13], which comes from the Old French dialect cloke or cloque, and cloche hat [20], from French cloche ‘bell’.=> cloak, cloche
clock (n.1)
late 14c., clokke, originally "clock with bells," probably from Middle Dutch clocke (Dutch klok) "a clock," from Old North French cloque (Old French cloke, Modern French cloche), from Medieval Latin (7c.) clocca "bell," probably from Celtic (compare Old Irish clocc, Welsh cloch, Manx clagg "a bell") and spread by Irish missionaries (unless the Celtic words are from Latin); ultimately of imitative origin. Replaced Old English dægmæl, from dæg "day" + mæl "measure, mark" (see meal (n.1)). The Latin word was horologium; the Greeks used a water-clock (klepsydra, literally "water thief"). Image of put (or set) the clock back "return to an earlier state or system" is from 1862. Round-the-clock (adj.) is from 1943, originally in reference to air raids. To have a face that would stop a clock "be very ugly" is from 1886. (Variations from c. 1890 include break a mirror, kill chickens.)
remember I remember That boarding house forlorn, The little window where the smell Of hash came in the morn. I mind the broken looking-glass, The mattress like a rock, The servant-girl from County Clare, Whose face would stop a clock. [... etc.; "The Insurance Journal," Jan. 1886]
clock (v.)
"to time by the clock," 1883, from clock (n.1). The slang sense of "hit, sock" is 1941, originally Australian, probably from earlier slang clock (n.) "face" (1923). Related: Clocked; clocking.
clock (n.2)
"ornament pattern on a stocking," 1520s, probably identical with clock (n.1) in its older sense and meaning "bell-shaped ornament."