veinal[ 'veinəl ]
adj.relating to the veins of plants
"leaves affected with veinal mosaic"
Pepper veinal mottle virus associated with a streak disease of tomato in Nigeria.Natural occurrence of Chilli veinal mottle virus on Capsicum chinense in China.
Veinal necrosis induced by turnip mosaic virus infection in Arabidopsis is a form of defense response accompanying HR-like cell death
Tobacco veinal necrosis determinants are unlikely to be located within the 5' and 3' terminal sequences of the potato virus Y genome
Tobacco veinal necrosis determinants are unlikely to be located within the 5鈥and 3鈥terminal sequences of the potato virus Y genome
Serological, Molecular, and Pathotype Diversity of Pepper veinal mottle virus and Chili veinal mottle virus.
Procedure and balloon catheter system for relieving arterial or veinal restrictions without exchanging balloon catheters
Characterisation of Potato virus Y nnp strain inducing veinal necrosis in pepper: a naturally occurring recombinant strain of PVY
Serological and molecular detection of tobacco veinal necrosis isolates of Potato virus Y (PVY(N)) from potatoes grown in the wester...
The Potato virus Y M(S)N(R) NIb-replicase is the elicitor of a veinal necrosis-hypersensitive response in root knot nematode resista...