n. (Arpin)人名;(德)阿尔平;(法)阿尔潘
短语Kenneth Arpin标签
Anthony Arpin参审员
Arpin Alfred名称
Arpin Hansen街道地址
Alfred Arpin标签
Claude Arpin发明者
Agaricus bisporus browning: a reviewDendritic Cells Enhance the Differentiation of Naïve B Cells into Plasma Cells In Vitro
Germinal center development.
Generation of memory B cells and plasma cells in vitro.
A prospective study on radiation pneumonitis following conformal radiation therapy in non-small-cell lung cancer: clinical and dosim...
Normal human IgD+IgM- germinal center B cells can express up to 80 mutations in the variable region of their IgD transcripts.
Ezrin contains cytoskeleton and membrane binding domains accounting for its proposed role as a membrane-cytoskeletal linker.
Phosphoinositide binding and phosphorylation act sequentially in the activation mechanism of ezrin
Ezrin Regulates E-Cadherin-dependent Adherens Junction Assembly through Rac1 Activation
A multinational survey of risk factors for infection with extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in nonhospital...