共 11923 个单词
A开头的的单词有【a crop of】【abbreviations】【AAP】【Aaronic】【abat jour】【abelia】【abducted】【a grain of truth】【a sense of humor】【aag】【Abercrombie】【a lump in the throat】【A-bomb】【AALS】【Abdi】【a sedentary job】【abashment】【A-cm】【a series of...】【a whole lot】【abbr.】【aardwolf】【aberrance】【A power supply】【abearance】【a castle in the air】【Abbas】【abbeys】【a group of】【a favorite topic】【a minority of】【aardvark】【a watched pot never boils.】【a flock of】【a resurgence in popularity】【abbreviator】【a certain】【a mess of】【abashing】【A-side】等。
abbreviationsn.缩写( abbreviation的名词复数 );缩写词;略语;英英释义 abbreviationn.a shortened form of a word or phrase...
详细解释aagabbr.anti-aircraft gun 高射炮;英英释义 AagAag () is a 1948 Bollywood film which is produced, directed by and stars R...
详细解释AALSabbr.Association of American Law Schools 美国法律学校协会;American Association of Language Specialists 美国语言学专...
详细解释Abdi释义[地名] [阿尔及利亚] 阿卜迪;英英释义 AbdiAbdi is a male name of Arabic origin. Arabic speakers would instead use...
详细解释abashmentn.羞愧,害臊;英英释义 abashment[ 'bmnt ]n.feeling embarrassed due to modesty同义词:bashfulness
详细解释aardwolfn.土狼; 变形 复数:aardwolves 英英释义 aardwolf[ ':d,wulf ]n.striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chief...
详细解释aberrancen.反常,异常,畸变;英英释义 aberrance[ 'berns, 'bernsi ]n.a state or condition markedly different from the nor...
详细解释aardvarkn.土豚; 变形 复数:aardvarks 英英释义 aardvark[ ':d,v:k ]n.nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Afri...
详细解释abbreviatorn.使用缩写词的人; 变形 复数:abbreviators 英英释义 abbreviator[ 'bri:vi,eit ]n.one who shortens or abridges ...
详细解释abashingv.使羞愧,使局促,使窘迫( abash的现在分词 );英英释义 abash[ 'b ]v.cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-c...