共 5947 个单词
L开头的的单词有【LAI】【laciness】【ladyfishes】【labor union】【labarum】【lacebark】【labour camp】【labor discipline】【lake dwelling】【labret】【labanotation】【laborers】【lab-technician】【labellum】【labeler】【laicize】【lall】【laboriousness】【lamb's-quarters】【lacerating】【labour-saving】【lackeys】【Lalo】【lady first】【LADS】【label record】【laitance】【Lait】【lacey】【laagered】【labeling】【Lallans】【Ladin】【ladykin】【LABS】【Laie】【labionasal】【laceless】【labella】【lake poets】等。
LAIabbr. Linee Aeree Italiane 意大利航空公司;英英释义 LaiLai (Traditional Chinese: 賴; Simplified Chinese: 赖; Pinyin: ...
详细解释ladyfishes网络海鲢;夏威夷海鲢 英英释义 ladyfish[ 'leidifi ]n.game fish resembling the tarpon but smaller同义词:tenpoun...
详细解释labor unionn.工会; 变形 复数:labor unions 英英释义 labor union n.an organization of employees formed to bargain with t...
详细解释lacebarkn.花树皮;花皮树;英英释义 lacebarkn.small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters ...
详细解释lake dwellingn.在湖上的木架房屋;湖上住宅;英英释义 lake dwelling n.dwelling built on piles in or near a lake; specifica...
详细解释labretn.(某些南美印第安人所戴的用木、骨等制作的)嘴唇装饰品;英英释义 LabretA labret is one form of body piercing. Take...
详细解释labanotationn.拉班舞谱;英英释义 labanotation[ ,leibunu'tein ]n.a system of notation for dance movements that uses symbo...
详细解释laborersn.体力劳动者,工人( laborer的名词复数 );(熟练工人的)辅助工;英英释义 laborern.someone who works with their ha...
详细解释labellumn.(昆虫的)唇瓣;(兰花花托上通常大的)中心花瓣; 变形 复数:labella 英英释义 Labellum[[Showy lady slipper (Cyp...
详细解释laboriousness辛劳 英英释义 laboriousnessn.the quality of requiring extended effort同义词:operosenesstoilsomeness
详细解释lamb's-quartersn.藜;英英释义 lamb's-quarters[ 'lmz,kw:tz ]n.common weedy European plant introduced into North America; ...
详细解释laceratingv.撕伤,刮伤( lacerate的现在分词 );伤害(感情等);英英释义 laceratev.cut or tear irregularlydeeply hurt the ...
详细解释labour-savingn.节省劳动力;英英释义 labour-savingadj.designed to replace or conserve human and especially manual labor同...
详细解释laageredv.临时防御营地( laager的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 laager[ 'l: ]n.a camp defended by a circular formation of w...
详细解释labeling释义标签费,标贴,标志;英英释义 label[ 'leibli ]n.a brief description given for purposes of identification"the ...
详细解释Lallans释义苏格兰低地语;英英释义 Lallans[ 'lln ]n.a dialect of English spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland同义词:Scotti...
详细解释Ladinn.拉汀语(奥地利蒂罗尔州的方言),说拉汀语的人;英英释义 Ladin[ l'di:n ]n.a Rhaeto-Romance dialect of Romansh spoke...
详细解释LABSn.洗印厂;实验室( lab的名词复数 );Lab,英国政治工党;英英释义 LabsLabs, labs, or LABS may carry the following meanin...
详细解释lake poetsn.湖畔(派)诗人(18世纪末到19世纪初英国消极浪漫主义诗歌流派);英英释义 lake poets n.English poets at the begin...