共 4410 个单词
hereticn.异教徒;异端分子; 变形 复数:heretics 英英释义 heretic[ 'hertik ]n.a person who holds religious beliefs in con...
详细解释taxationn.课税;征税;税;税收英英释义 taxation[ tk'sein ]n.charge against a citizen's person or property or activity fo...
详细解释studiousadj.好学的;用功的;仔细的;故意的英英释义 studious[ 'stju:dis, 'stu:- ]adj.marked by care and effort"made a stu...
详细解释prosaicadj.散文的;乏味的;如实的;英英释义 prosaic[ pru'zeiik ]adj.not fanciful or imaginative"a prosaic and unimaginat...
详细解释pompousadj.浮华的,华而不实的;高傲的,自大的;英英释义 pompous[ 'pmps ]adj.puffed up with vanity"a pompous speech"同义词...
详细解释bespectacledadj.戴眼镜的;英英释义 bespectacled[ bi'spektkld ]adj.wearing, or having the face adorned with, eyeglasses o...
详细解释gailyadv.快乐地,喜气洋洋地;英英释义 gaily[ 'eili ] a gay manner"the scandals were gaily diverting"
详细解释adrenalinn.肾上腺素;“adrenaline”的变体;英英释义 adrenalin[ 'drenlin,-li:n, -lin ]n.a catecholamine secreted by the a...
详细解释elatedadj.兴高采烈的,得意洋洋的;v.使兴奋;英英释义 elated[ i'leitid ]adj.exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits"...
详细解释intonationn.语调,声调;[乐]发声,转调;[宗]吟诵;语音的抑扬 变形 复数:intonations 英英释义 intonation[ ,intu'nein ]n.r...
详细解释infertileadj.不能生育的,不结果实的;贫瘠的,不毛的;英英释义 infertile[ in'f:tail, -til ]adj.incapable of reproducing"a...
详细解释congestedadj.拥挤的;堵塞的;v.拥挤(congest的过去式和过去分词);堵塞;英英释义 congested[ kn'destid ]adj.overfull as wit...
详细解释legionn.大批部队;众多,大量;古罗马军团;adj.众多的;大量的; 变形 复数:legions 英英释义 legion[ 'li:dn ]n.archaic ter...
详细解释fruitionn.成就,实现;结果实;;享受英英释义 fruition[ fru:'in ]n.the condition of bearing fruitenjoyment derived from u...
详细解释pietyn.虔诚,虔敬; 变形 复数:pieties 双语释义n.(名词)[U]虔诚,虔敬piousness 英英释义 piety[ 'paiti ]n.righteousness by...
详细解释turbotn.大菱鲆;英英释义 turbot[ 't:bt ]n.flesh of a large European flatfisha large brownish European flatfish同义词:Ps...
详细解释beauticiann.美容师; 变形 复数:beauticians 英英释义 beautician[ bju:'tin ]n.someone who works in a beauty parlor同义词:...
详细解释paraphernalian.随身物品;装备,设备;[法]妻子的财产;英英释义 paraphernalia[ ,prf'neili ] consisting of misce...
详细解释pharmacistn.药剂师; 变形 复数:pharmacists 英英释义 pharmacist[ 'f:msist ]n.a health professional trained in the art of...
详细解释outdovt.胜过,优于; 变形 过去式:outdid过去分词:outdone现在分词:outdoing第三人称单数:outdoes 英英释义 outdo[ ,aut'du...
详细解释aerosoln.[化]气溶胶;喷雾剂;悬浮微粒;喷雾器adj.喷雾的;喷雾器的; 变形 复数:aerosols 英英释义 aerosol[ 'rsl ]n.a clou...
详细解释serpentn.蛇;狡猾的人; 变形 复数:serpents 英英释义 serpent[ 's:pnt ]n.limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomo...
详细解释constablen.警察;警员;巡官; 变形 复数:constables 英英释义 constable[ 'knstbl ]n.a lawman with less authority and juri...
详细解释reconsidervt.重新考虑;重新审议;vi.重新考虑; 变形 过去式:reconsidered过去分词:reconsidered现在分词:reconsidering第三...