共 3734 个单词
satiatedv.充分满足,使厌腻( satiate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 satiated[ ['seiieitid] ]adj.supplied (especially fed) ...
详细解释scatterbrainn.注意力不集中的人;英英释义 scatterbrain[ 'sktbrein ]n.a flighty and disorganized person同义词:forgetful p...
详细解释Zulun.苏格兰双桅小帆船;英英释义 Zulu[ 'zu:lu: ]n.a member of the tall Negroid people of southeast Africa living in nort...
详细解释sarongn.马来群岛土人所穿的围裙,布裙; 变形 复数:sarongs 英英释义 sarong[ s'r ]n.a loose skirt consisting of brightly c...
详细解释aerobaticsn.特技飞行,特技飞行术;英英释义 aerobatics[ ,ru'btiks ]n.the performance of stunts while in flight in an airc...
详细解释hardheadedadj.(尤指在做生意时)精明的;不感情用事的;愚蠢的;顽固的英英释义 hardheaded[ 'h:d'hedid ]adj.unreasonably ri...
详细解释fixern.固定器;定色剂;定影剂;把事情暗中完结的人 变形 复数:fixers 英英释义 fixer[ 'fiks ]n.someone who intervenes with...
详细解释hideawayn.隐避处; 变形 复数:hideaways 英英释义 hideaway[ 'haid,wei ]n.a hiding place; usually a remote place used by o...
详细解释duchyn.公爵的领地;公国;英国王室直辖领地; 变形 复数:duchies 英英释义 duchy[ 'dti ]n.the domain controlled by a duke o...
详细解释rearguardn.后卫;英英释义 rearguard[ 'ri,:d ]n.a detachment assigned to protect the rear of a (retreating) military body
详细解释banteringadj.嘲弄的;v.开玩笑,说笑,逗乐( banter的现在分词 );(善意地)取笑,逗弄;英英释义 bantering[ 'bntri ]adj.cle...
详细解释disreputen.坏名声;不光彩;声名狼藉;英英释义 disrepute[ ,disri'pju:t ]n.the state of being held in low esteem"because o...
详细解释rapistn.强奸犯; 变形 复数:rapists 英英释义 rapist[ 'reipist ]n.someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse同...
详细解释paramilitaryadj.准军事的;辅助军事的;n.准军事部队的成员; 变形 复数:paramilitaries 英英释义 paramilitary[ ,pr'militri ...
详细解释forecourtn.前院,(篮球)前(场)球; 变形 复数:forecourts 英英释义 forecourt[ 'f:k:t ]n.the outer or front court of a ...
详细解释vocativeadj.呼格的,呼唤的;n.呼格; 变形 复数:vocatives 英英释义 vocative[ 'vktiv ]n.the case (in some inflected langu...
详细解释slurryn.泥浆,浆; 变形 复数:slurries 英英释义 slurry[ 'sl:ri, 'sl- ]n.a suspension of insoluble particles (as plaster ...
详细解释hundredweightn.重量单位,英担,半公担; 变形 复数:hundredweights 英英释义 hundredweight[ 'hndrdweit ]n.a unit of weight...
详细解释lexicographyn.词典编纂; 变形 复数:lexicographers 英英释义 lexicography[ ,leksi'krfi ]n.the act of writing dictionaries
详细解释footworkn.步法,要跑腿的工作;英英释义 footwork[ 'fut,w:k ]n.the manner of using the feetskillful maneuvering or dealing...
详细解释savageryn.野蛮;野蛮人;凶猛;荒凉的状态 变形 复数:savageries 英英释义 savagery[ 'svidri ]n.the property of being untam...
详细解释holdalln.(旅行用的)手提箱或手提袋; 变形 复数:holdalls 英英释义 holdall[ 'huld:l ]n.a capacious bag or basket同义词:...
详细解释untruthn.谎言;不真实,虚假; 变形 复数:untruths 英英释义 untruth[ ,n'tru: ]n.a false statement同义词:falsehoodfalsity
详细解释inbuiltadj.嵌入的,内藏的;英英释义 inbuilt[ 'in'bilt ]adj.existing as an essential constituent or characteristic同义词:...
详细解释intercessionn.求情;说情;调停;斡旋 变形 复数:intercessions 英英释义 intercession[ ,int'sen ]n.a prayer to God on beha...
详细解释fenn.沼泽;沼泽群落; 变形 复数:fens 英英释义 fen[ fen ]n.100 fen equal 1 yuan in Chinalow-lying wet land with grassy v...
详细解释floodgaten.(江河或湖泊的)防洪闸(门),(泄)水闸门; 变形 复数:floodgates 英英释义 floodgate[ 'fldeit ]n.something t...
详细解释brutishadj.如野兽般的,粗野的;英英释义 brutish[ 'bru:ti ]adj.resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility"a du...
详细解释aerodynamicsn.空气动力学;空气动力学家;adj.空气动力(学)的;英英释义 aerodynamics[ ,rudai'nmiks ]n.the branch of mecha...
详细解释scaremongern.扰乱社会民心的人,散布谣言的人;英英释义 scaremonger[ 'sk,m, -m- ]n.a person who spreads frightening rumors...
详细解释hypercriticaladj.(尤指对小错误)吹毛求疵的,过于苛刻的;英英释义 hypercritical[ ,haip'kritikl ]adj.inclined to judge to...