共 4617 个单词
saltiness释义含盐性;英英释义 saltiness[ 's:ltinis ]n.language or humor that is down-to-earth"the saltiness of their lan...
详细解释patroller释义巡警;英英释义 patrollern.someone on patrol duty; an individual or a member of a group that patrols an area
详细解释jewelern.珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表商;钟表匠 变形 复数:jewelers 英英释义 jeweler[ 'dul ]n.someone who makes jewelry同义词:j...
详细解释lyricistn.抒情诗人; 变形 复数:lyricists 英英释义 lyricist[ 'lirisist ]n.a person who writes the words for songs同义词:...
详细解释hornbilln.犀鸟,犀鸟科;英英释义 hornbill[ 'h:nbil ]n.bird of tropical Africa and Asia having a very large bill surmount...
详细解释short-rangeadj.短期的;短程的;英英释义 short-range[ ':t'reind ]adj.relating to the near future"a short-range policy"lim...
详细解释atomizationn.分离成原子,以原子弹摧毁,雾化;弥雾;英英释义 atomization[ ,tumai'zein, -mi'z- ]n.separating something int...
详细解释nontraditionaladj.非传统的,不符合传统的;英英释义 nontraditional[ ,nntr'dinl ]adj.not conforming to or in accord with t...
详细解释multistory释义多层的;英英释义 multistory[ 'mlti,st:ri ]adj.having more than one story同义词:multistoreymultistoried
详细解释seamountn.海山;海峰;英英释义 seamount[ 'si:maunt ] underwater mountain rising above the ocean floor
详细解释breakupn.(关系、联盟的)终止;解散;别离;瓦解英英释义 breakup[ 'breikp ]n.the termination or disintegration of a relat...
详细解释depositorn.存放人,存款人;寄托者;沉淀器; 变形 复数:depositors 英英释义 depositor[ di'pzit ]n.a person who has deposi...
详细解释customarilyadv.习惯上,习俗上,通常;英英释义 customarily[ 'kstmrli ] custom; according to common practice"childre...
详细解释disreputen.坏名声;不光彩;声名狼藉;英英释义 disrepute[ ,disri'pju:t ]n.the state of being held in low esteem"because o...
详细解释conjecturaladj.推测的,好推测的;英英释义 conjectural[ kn'dektrl ]adj.based primarily on surmise rather than adequate ev...
详细解释galvanizationn.通流电,镀锌,电;英英释义 galvanization[ ,lvnai'zein, -ni'z- ]n.stimulation with a galvanic current同义词...
详细解释compactionn.压紧,紧束的状态;压实;英英释义 compaction[ km'pkn ] increase in the density of something同义词:compre...
详细解释lyrically释义抒情地;英英释义 a lyrical manner"she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically"
详细解释silicaten.硅酸盐; 变形 复数:silicates 英英释义 silicate[ 'silikit, -keit ]n.a salt or ester derived from silicic acid
详细解释impracticalityn.不切实际,办不到;英英释义 impracticality[ im,prkti'klti ]n.concerned with theoretical possibilities rat...
详细解释prefabricatedadj.(建筑物、船等)预制构件的;v.预制( prefabricate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 prefabricated[ pri:'fbri...
详细解释fusedadj.装有保险丝的;英英释义 fused[ fju:zd ]adj.joined together into a whole同义词:amalgamateamalgamatedcoalescedcon...
详细解释packern.包装机;罐头食品工人;赶牲口运货的人;打包机 变形 复数:packers 英英释义 packer[ 'pk ]n.a workman employed to pa...
详细解释outermostadj.最外面的,离中心最远的;英英释义 outermost[ 'autmust ]adj.situated at the farthest possible point from a ce...
详细解释ragtimen.雷格泰姆音乐;英英释义 ragtime[ 'rtaim ] with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)同义词:rag
详细解释coalescencen.合并,接合,联合;合生;聚结;愈合英英释义 coalescence[ ,ku'lesns ]n.the union of diverse things into one b...
详细解释aerodynamicsn.空气动力学;空气动力学家;adj.空气动力(学)的;英英释义 aerodynamics[ ,rudai'nmiks ]n.the branch of mecha...
详细解释bandannan.印花大手帕; 变形 复数:bandannas 英英释义 bandanna[ bn'dn ]n.large and brightly colored handkerchief; often u...
详细解释ionospheren.电离层;英英释义 ionosphere[ ai'n,sfi ]n.the outer region of the Earth's atmosphere; contains a high concent...
详细解释refrigerantn.制冷剂,冷冻剂;adj.冷却的;英英释义 refrigerant[ ri'fridrnt, ri:- ]n.a substance used to provide cooling (...
详细解释dissentingadj.不同意的;v.不同意,持异议( dissent的现在分词 );英英释义 dissenting[ di'senti ]adj.disagreeing, especiall...
详细解释homespunn.手织物,朴素的;adj.(尤指思想)朴素的,平常的;(布料)家纺的;英英释义 homespun[ 'humspn ]n.a rough loosely ...
详细解释lampshaden.灯罩; 变形 复数:lampshades 英英释义 lampshade[ 'lmpeid ]n.a protective ornamental shade used to screen a li...
详细解释rationingn.定量配给;v.限量供应,配给供应(ration的现在分词);英英释义 rationing[ 'rni ]n.the act of rationing"during the...