共 23 个单词
一口气背中学生英语演讲相关的的单词有【come and go】【get started】【run from】【the World Cup】【that way】【superwoman】【current events】【Valentine's Day】【larger-than-life】【outside of】【a ton of】【Stay in touch】【chat room】【up close】【cram school】【speak to】【just about】【be seated】【mass media】【sleep late】【in peace】【push out】【be sure】等。
come and gov.来来往往;过往;出没;往返英英释义 Come and GoCome and Go is a short play (described as a "dramaticule"on i...
详细解释get started释义发动发动机;英英释义 get started v.start to be active同义词:get crackingbestir oneselfget goingget movin...
详细解释superwomann.女超人; 变形 复数:superwomen 英英释义 SuperwomanIn sociology, a superwoman is a Western woman who works ha...
详细解释current events释义时事,新闻动态;英英释义 Current EventsCurrent Events is an album by guitarist John Abercrombie with b...
详细解释Valentine's Dayn.情人节(二月十四日);英英释义 Valentine's Day n.a day for the exchange of tokens of affection同义词:V...
详细解释larger-than-lifeadj.有英雄(或传奇)色彩的;英英释义 larger-than-life[ 'l:dn'laif ]adj.very imposing or impressive; surp...
详细解释chat roomn.(电脑网络上的)聊天室,交谈室; 变形 复数:chat rooms 英英释义 chat room n.a site on the internet where a nu...
详细解释up closeadv.靠近地;英英释义 Up CloseUp Close is Eric Johnson's sixth studio release, which was released on December 7, ...
详细解释cram schooln.补习班,补习学校;英英释义 Cram schoolCram schools are specialized schools that train their students to mee...
详细解释just about释义几乎;几近;大约;马上英英释义 just about adv.(of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomp...
详细解释mass median.大众传播媒体,大众传媒,海量媒体数据;广效传播媒介;英英释义 Mass mediaThe mass media are diversified media ...
详细解释sleep late释义睡过头,迟起,睡懒觉;英英释义 sleep late v.sleep later than usual or customary同义词:sleep in