共 309 个单词
世界国家和地区名称相关的的单词有【calcutta】【Abu Dhabi】【bagdad】【Bangalore】【tallinn】【persia】【Phnom Penh】【tashkent】【Tehran】【manilla】【aleppo】【rangoon】【Marseille】【thimbu】【dili】【dibai】【Oman】【ulan bator】【Armenia】【Turkmenistan】【doha】【riyadh】【muscat】【United Arab Emirates】【katmandu】【Ashkhabad】【pyongyang】【Uzbekistan】【Kuwait】【lyons】【nukualofa】【Salt Lake City】【CAPE TOWN】【manitoba】【Dominica】【su】【malabo】【montevideo】【freetown】【kishinev】等。
calcuttan.加尔各答,印度东北部的港市;英英释义 calcutta[ kl'kt ]n.the largest city in India and one of the largest citie...
详细解释Abu Dhabi释义阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国首都);英英释义 Abu Dhabi n.a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the Uni...
详细解释bagdadn.巴格达;英英释义 bagdad[ 'bdd ] and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River同义词:Baghdadcap...
详细解释Bangalore释义[地名] [印度] 班加罗尔;英英释义 Bangalore[ ,b'l: ] industrial city in south central India (west of Che...
详细解释tallinn释义塔林(爱沙尼亚共和国首都);英英释义 tallinn[ 'tlin; 't:- ]n.a port city on the Gulf of Finland that is the c...
详细解释persian.波斯(西南亚国家,现在的伊朗);英英释义 persia[ 'p: ] empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in...
详细解释Phnom Penhn.金边(今柬埔寨);英英释义 Phnom Penh n.the capital and largest city of Kampuchea同义词:Pnom PenhCambodian ...
详细解释tashkent释义塔什干(乌兹别克共和国首都);英英释义 tashkent[ t'kent; t:- ]n.the capital of Uzbekistan同义词:Taskentcapi...
详细解释Tehran释义德黑兰;英英释义 Tehran[ t'rn; -r:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran同义词:T...
详细解释manillan.吕宋纸,吕宋麻;英英释义 manilla[ m'nil ]n.a strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish ma...
详细解释rangoonn.仰光(缅甸首都);英英释义 rangoon[ r'u:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south near...
详细解释Marseille释义[地名] [法国] 马赛;英英释义 Marseille[ ma:'seil ]n.a port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean...
详细解释Omanadj.阿曼(阿拉伯东南部沿海地区);英英释义 Oman[ u'm:n ]n.a strategically located monarchy on the southern and easte...
详细解释ulan batorn.乌兰巴托(蒙古人民共和国首都);英英释义 ulan bator n.the capital and largest city of Mongolia同义词:Ulaanb...
详细解释Armenian.亚美尼亚;英英释义 Armenia[ :'mi:nj ]n.a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian soviet; mo...
详细解释Turkmenistann.土库曼斯坦(位于中亚);英英释义 Turkmenistan[ ,t:kmeni'st:n; -'stn ]n.a republic in Asia east of the Casp...
详细解释dohan.多哈(卡塔尔的首都);英英释义 doha[ 'dauh ]n.the capital and chief port of Qatar同义词:BidaEl Bedacapital of Qat...
详细解释riyadhn.利雅得(沙特阿拉伯首都);英英释义 riyadh[ ri:'j:d; ri- ]n.joint capital (with Mecca) of Saudi Arabia located in...
详细解释muscatn.麝香葡萄,葡萄酒;英英释义 muscat[ 'mskt; -kt ]n.any of several cultivated grapevines that produce sweet white g...
详细解释United Arab Emiratesn.阿拉伯联合酋长国(=UAE);英英释义 United Arab Emirates n.a federation of seven Arab emirates on the...
详细解释katmandun.加德满都(尼泊尔首都);英英释义 katmandu[ 'ka:tma:n'du: ]n.the capital and largest city of Nepal同义词:Kathm...
详细解释Ashkhabad释义阿什哈巴德(土库曼斯坦共和国首都);英英释义 Ashkhabad[ 'kbd ]n.the capital and largest city of Turkmenista...
详细解释pyongyangn.平壤(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都);英英释义 pyongyang[ 'pjj: ] of North Korea and an industrial cen...
详细解释Uzbekistann.乌兹别克斯坦;英英释义 Uzbekistan[ uz,beki'st:n ]n.a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an A...
详细解释Kuwaitn.科威特(中东国家);英英释义 Kuwait[ k'weit ]n.a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait同义词:Kuwait...
详细解释lyonsn.里昂;英英释义 lyons[ lju ]n.a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and r...
详细解释Salt Lake Cityn.盐湖城(位于美国);英英释义 Salt Lake City n.the capital and largest city of Utah; located near the Gre...
详细解释CAPE TOWNn.开普敦,南非首都;英英释义 CAPE TOWN n.port city in southwestern South Africa; the seat of the legislative br...
详细解释manitoba释义马尼托巴湖(加拿大中南部);英英释义 manitoba[ ,mni'tub ] of the three prairie provinces in central Can...
详细解释Dominica中文拼写:多米尼卡名字含义:Dominic的阴性名字来源:爱尔兰语名字类别:女 英英释义 Dominica[ ,dmi'ni:k ]n.a countr...
详细解释suabbr.USSR 苏联;英英释义 SuSu is the pinyin romanization of the common Chinese surname written }} in simplified charac...
详细解释malabo释义马拉博(赤道几内亚首都)(旧称圣伊萨贝尔);英英释义 malabo[ m'l:bu ]n.the capital and largest city of Equator...
详细解释montevideon.蒙得维的亚(乌拉圭首都),蒙得维的亚省(乌拉圭省名);英英释义 montevideo[ ,mnt'vidiu; ,mntivi'deiu ]n.the c...
详细解释freetown释义弗里敦(塞拉利昂首都);英英释义 freetown[ 'fri:taun ]n.port city and the capital and largest city of Sierra...