共 146 个单词
中国日报-热词红宝书相关的的单词有【secondary disaster】【sell-off】【set a new record】【shake off poverty】【short-change】【shotgun wedding】【panic buying】【census taker】【A-list】【paternity leave】【BAD LOAN】【bay window】【texting】【market manipulation】【rating system】【ready-to-wear】【false start】【beer belly】【hammer price】【designated driver】【red envelope】【big shot】【health checkup】【head-hunting】【state funeral】【emergency response】【annual leave】【indemnificatory】【disadvantaged groups】【pour cold water on】【ppi】【wage earner】【corkage】【flag-fall】【empty promise】【enrollment mark】【industrial capacity】【revoke license】【price-fixing】【welfare lottery】等。
sell-offn.证券的跌价;廉价抛售;出清存货; 变形 复数:sell-offs 英英释义 sell-off[ 'sel:f ]n.a sale of a relatively larg...
详细解释short-change释义(给顾客)少找钱; 变形 过去式:short-changed现在分词:short-changing第三人称单数:short-changes 英英释义...
详细解释shotgun weddingn.强制婚姻,勉强的妥协; 变形 复数:shotgun weddings 英英释义 Shotgun weddingShotgun wedding, a wedding t...
详细解释panic buying释义恐慌购买;英英释义 Panic buyingPanic buying is an imprecise common use term to describe the act of peopl...
详细解释census takern.户口调查人员;英英释义 census taker n.someone who collects census data by visiting individual homes同义词:...
详细解释A-list释义(very best) 最好的,最优秀的,最酷的;英英释义 A-list[ 'eilist ]n.a list of names of specially favored people
详细解释bay windown.凸窗; 变形 复数:bay windows 英英释义 bay window n.slang for a paunch同义词:potpotbellycorporationtummya w...
详细解释textingn.发短信;英英释义 text[ tekst ]n.the words of something written"there were more than a thousand words of text"; ...
详细解释rating system释义收费制,定额制度;英英释义 rating system n.a system of classifying according to quality or merit or amo...
详细解释ready-to-wearadj.现成的,做好的;成衣;英英释义 ready-to-wear[ 'redit'w ]n.ready-made clothing"she couldn't find anythin...
详细解释false startn.失败的开端;抢跑; 变形 复数:false starts 英英释义 False startFalse start is a prohibited movement before ...
详细解释designated drivern.代驾司机; 变形 复数:designated drivers 英英释义 designated driver n.the member of a party who is de...
详细解释red envelopen.红包;英英释义 Red envelopeIn Chinese and other Asian societies, a red envelope or red packet is a monetar...
详细解释big shotn.权贵之人,大亨,大人物; 变形 复数:big shots 英英释义 big shot important influential person同义词:big g...
详细解释head-huntingn.猎人头;英英释义 HeadhuntingMississippian-era priest, with a ceremonial flint mace and a severed head. By ...
详细解释state funeral释义国葬;英英释义 State funeralA state funeral is a public funeral ceremony, observing the strict rules of...
详细解释annual leave释义年度假;英英释义 Annual leaveAnnual leave is paid time off work granted by employers to employees to be ...
详细解释pour cold water on释义对…泼冷水;英英释义 pour cold water on discouraging or negative about同义词:throw cold wate...
详细解释wage earnern.靠工资为生的人,雇佣劳动者;英英释义 wage earner n.someone who earn wages in return for their labor同义词:...
详细解释corkagen.拔瓶塞;英英释义 corkage[ 'k:kid ]n.a charge added at a restaurant for every bottle of wine served that was not...
详细解释flag-falln.旗下挥(表示比赛开始);英英释义 FlagfallFlagfall or flag fall is common Australian expression for a fixed st...
详细解释price-fixingn.协议售价,价格规定;价格垄断;英英释义 price-fixingn.control (by agreement among producers or by governmen...