共 83 个单词
二级人力资源专业英语相关的的单词有【career counseling】【career anchor】【equal employment opportunity】【cultural environment】【cognitive ability】【attitude awareness and change program】【piecework】【human resource information system】【Power distance】【tacit knowledge】【concentration strategy】【return on investment】【collective bargaining process】【on-the-job training】【employee leasing】【disparate treatment】【factor comparison system】【profit sharing】【human resources planning】【exit interview】【coordination training】【nonprofit organization】【explicit knowledge】【career curves】【customer appraisal】【development planning system】【continuous learning】【direct costs】【downward move】【competency model】【demand forecasting】【performance management】【spot bonus】【business planning】【balanced scorecard】【Relational database】【indirect costs】【human capital】【assessment center】【diversity training】等。
career counseling释义职业前程辅导;英英释义 career counseling n.counseling on career opportunities
详细解释pieceworkn.计件工作,按件计酬的工作;英英释义 piecework[ 'pi:sw:k ]n.work paid for according to the quantity produced
详细解释tacit knowledge释义意会知识;英英释义 Tacit knowledgeTacit knowledge (as opposed to formal, codified or explicit knowled...
详细解释return on investment释义投资报酬率,投资收益率;英英释义 return on investment n.(corporate finance) the amount, expresse...
详细解释on-the-job training释义岗位培训;英英释义 On-the-Job TrainingOn-the-Job Training (OJT) is a form of training taking plac...
详细解释disparate treatment释义差别性对待;英英释义 Disparate treatmentDisparate treatment is one of the theories of discriminat...
详细解释profit sharingn.分红制;利润分享;英英释义 profit sharing n.a system in which employees receive a share of the net profi...
详细解释exit interview释义[经] 管离职时访问, 离职谈话(通知);退辞面谈;英英释义 Exit interviewAn exit interview is a survey c...
详细解释nonprofit organization释义非营利机构,非营利组织;英英释义 nonprofit organization n.an organization chartered for other ...
详细解释explicit knowledge释义[医]显示知识;英英释义 Explicit knowledgeExplicit knowledge is knowledge that has been articulated...
详细解释demand forecasting释义请求预报;英英释义 Demand forecastingDemand forecasting is the activity of estimating the quantity...
详细解释performance management释义性能管理;英英释义 Performance managementPerformance management (PM) includes activities which...
详细解释balanced scorecardn.平衡计分卡,综合评价卡;英英释义 Balanced scorecardThe balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategy perfor...
详细解释Relational database释义关系数据库;关系型数据库;英英释义 Relational database n.a database in which relations between in...
详细解释indirect costs释义[医]间接损失;英英释义 Indirect costsIndirect costs are costs that are not directly accountable to a c...
详细解释human capitaln.人力资本;英英释义 Human capitalHuman capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and persona...
详细解释assessment center释义评估中心;英英释义 Assessment centerAn assessment center (AC) is a process used in the selection of...
详细解释diversity training释义多元化培训;英英释义 Diversity trainingDiversity training is a course of instruction aimed at incr...