共 52 个单词
人体器官和疾病单词书相关的的单词有【digitalis】【sudden death】【vocal cords】【cerebral death】【pointe】【clofibrate】【amiodarone】【vasodilator】【nicotinic acid】【cervical vertebra】【diuretics】【propafenone】【collar bone】【lumbar vertebrae】【myocarditis】【digoxin】【caecum】【armpit hair】【Adam's apple】【internal organs】【shoulder joint】【spinal marrow】【third finger】【canine tooth】【denlture】【private parts】【elbow joint】【blind gut】【decayed tooth】【uvual】【half moon】【premolar】【philtrum】【varicella】【whooping cough】【phtisis】【yellow fever】【miocardial infarction】【German measles】【rachitis】等。
digitalisn.洋地黄;英英释义 digitalis[ ,dii'teilis ]n.a powerful cardiac stimulant obtained from foxglove同义词:digital...
详细解释sudden deathn.暴死,突然死亡法;猝死;急死;英英释义 sudden death n.(sports) overtime in which play is stopped as soon a...
详细解释cerebral death释义[医]脑死亡;英英释义 cerebral death n.death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousn...
详细解释clofibraten.降固醇酸,安妥明;冠心平;英英释义 clofibrate[ klu'faibreit ]n.a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces li...
详细解释amiodarone释义胺碘达隆;英英释义 amiodarone[ ,miu'dru ]n.an antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Cordarone) that has potentia...
详细解释vasodilatoradj.血管扩张的;n.血管扩张神经;英英释义 vasodilatorn.a drug that causes dilation of blood vessels同义词:vas...
详细解释nicotinic acidn.烟酸,尼克酸;维生素PP;英英释义 nicotinic acid n.a B vitamin essential for the normal function of the n...
详细解释cervical vertebra释义颈椎骨;英英释义 cervical vertebra n.one of 7 vertebrae in the human spine located in the neck regi...
详细解释diureticsn.利尿剂( diuretic的名词复数 );英英释义 diureticn.any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine同义词...
详细解释collar bone释义[医] 锁骨;英英释义 collar bone n.bone linking the scapula and sternum同义词:claviclecollarbone
详细解释lumbar vertebrae释义腰椎;英英释义 Lumbar vertebraeIn human anatomy, the lumbar vertebrae are the five vertebrae between...
详细解释myocarditisn.心肌炎;英英释义 myocarditis[ ,maiuk:'daitis ]n.inflammation of the myocardium (the muscular tissue of the ...
详细解释digoxinn.异羟洋地黄毒苷,地高辛(一种强心剂);英英释义 digoxin[ did'ksin ]n.digitalis preparation (trade name Lanoxin) ...
详细解释caecumn.盲肠; 变形 复数:caeca 英英释义 caecum[ 'si:km ]n.the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which...
详细解释Adam's applen.喉结; 变形 复数:Adam's apples 英英释义 Adam's apple n.tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant ...
详细解释shoulder jointn.肩关节;肩接;臂关节;英英释义 shoulder joint n.a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus ...
详细解释canine toothn.犬齿;英英释义 canine tooth n.one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the ...
详细解释private partsn.私处,外生殖器;下体;下身;英英释义 private parts n.external sex organ同义词:genitaliagenital organgeni...
详细解释elbow jointn.肘关节;英英释义 elbow joint n.hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in...
详细解释blind gutn.盲肠;英英释义 blind gut n.the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens同义词...
详细解释half moonn.甲晕;英英释义 half moon n.the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail同义词:half-moonlunul...
详细解释premolarn.前臼齿;英英释义 premolar[ pri'mul ]n.a tooth having two cusps or points; located between the incisors and the...
详细解释philtrumn.人中; 变形 复数:philtra 英英释义 PhiltrumThe philtrum (Latin philtrum, Greek philtron), is a vertical groov...
详细解释varicellan.水痘;英英释义 varicella[ ,vri'sel ]n.an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; ca...
详细解释whooping coughn.百日咳;英英释义 whooping cough n.a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane同义词:pertussis
详细解释yellow fevern.黄热病;英英释义 yellow fever n.caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito同义词:yellow jackblack v...
详细解释German measles释义风疹;英英释义 German measles n.a contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting th...