共 52 个单词
人体器官和疾病单词书相关的的单词有【catarrh】【angina pectoris】【malta fever】【swamp fever】【erysipelas】【hemiplegy】【septicaemia】【neurasthenia】【chicken pox】【stiff neck】【splitting headache】【scabies】等。
catarrhn.(医学)卡他,粘膜炎;英英释义 catarrh[ k't: ]n.inflammation of the nose and throat with increased production o...
详细解释angina pectorisn.心绞痛;真心痛;注心痛;英英释义 angina pectoris [ 'pektris ]n.a heart condition marked by paroxysms of...
详细解释malta fever释义马耳他热,波状热;英英释义 malta fever n.infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by cont...
详细解释swamp fevern.疟疾,马传染性贫血;英英释义 swamp fever n.an infectious disease cause by leptospira and transmitted to hum...
详细解释erysipelasn.丹毒;火丹;英英释义 erysipelas[ ,eri'sipils ]n.an acute streptococcal infection characterized by deep-red i...
详细解释septicaemian.败血病;英英释义 septicaemia[ ,septi'si:mi ]n.invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a...
详细解释neurasthenian.神经衰弱症;英英释义 neurasthenia[ ,njurs'i:ni ]n.nervous breakdown (not in technical use)
详细解释chicken poxn.水痘;英英释义 chicken pox n.an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; causes a ...