共 13 个单词
人教版高中英语必修1相关的的单词有【ANC】【at dusk】【dig out】【laotian】【at midnight】【Nobel Peace Prize】【johannesburg】【Mekong】【at an end】【come to power】【youth league】【be sentenced to】【in ruins】等。
ANCabbr.African National Congress 非洲民族会议;英英释义 ANCANC commonly refers to the African National Congress, a revo...
详细解释dig out释义挖掘;挖走;找出来;匆匆地离开英英释义 dig out v.dig out from underneath earth or snowcreate by digging同义词...
详细解释laotiann.老挝人;adj.老挝的,老挝人的,老挝语的; 变形 复数:Laotians 英英释义 laotian[ lei'un ]n.a member of a Buddhist...
详细解释at midnight释义在午夜;英英释义 At Midnight"At Midnight (My Love Will Lift You Up)"was a hit song by R&B/funk band Rufus...
详细解释Nobel Peace Prize释义诺贝尔和平奖;英英释义 Nobel Peace PrizeThe Nobel Peace Prize (Norwegian and Swedish: }}}}) is one ...
详细解释johannesburg释义约翰内斯堡(南非(阿扎尼亚)东北部城市);英英释义 johannesburg[ du'hnisb: ]n.city in the northeastern p...
详细解释youth league释义青年联盟;英英释义 Youth LeagueYouth League may refer to any of the following以上来源于:Wikipedia