共 18 个单词
人教版高中英语必修3相关的的单词有【carla】【Christopher Columbus】【Columbus Day】【Trinidad】【Valentine's Day】【win back】【have fun with】【earn one's living】【the Milky Way】【in one's turn】【Albert Einstein】【Mark Twain】【lay eggs】【Roderick】【Lake Superior】【big bang】【in rags】【Stephen Hawking】等。
Christopher Columbus释义克里斯多弗哥伦布(意大利航海家);英英释义 Christopher Columbus n.Italian navigator who discover...
详细解释Columbus Day释义哥伦布发现美洲纪念日(10月12日);[电影]哥伦布日;英英释义 Columbus Day n.a legal holiday commemorating th...
详细解释Valentine's Dayn.情人节(二月十四日);英英释义 Valentine's Day n.a day for the exchange of tokens of affection同义词:V...
详细解释win back释义重新获得,夺回;英英释义 win back v.recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost同义词:get back
详细解释the Milky Wayn.银河;英英释义 The Milky WayThe Milky Way () is a 1969 film directed by Luis Buuel. It stars Laurent Terz...
详细解释Albert Einstein释义阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦;英英释义 Albert Einstein n.physicist born in Germany who formulated the special t...
详细解释Mark Twainn.马克吐温(1835-1910,美国小说家);马克吐温;英英释义 Mark Twain n.United States writer and humorist best know...
详细解释Lake Superior释义苏必利尔湖;英英释义 Lake Superior n.the largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great...
详细解释Stephen Hawking释义史蒂芬霍金(英国著名物理学家);英英释义 Stephen Hawking n.English theoretical physicist (born in 194...