共 129 个单词
人类的故事上有序版相关的的单词有【chaldean】【icaria】【pheidippides】【Athena】【mecklenburg】【thessaly】【Dionysian】【deucalion】【corinth】【banqueting】【ten commandments】【the mass of】【last gasp】【bid farewell】【Darius】【gibraltar】【draco】【wait upon】【hellen】【hoot down】【stricken with】【thermopylae】【full tilt】【attica】【Piraeus】【pyrrha】【hellas】【zoroaster】【ashur】【furthermost】【peloponnesus】【second-rate】【in the rear】【housecleaning】【adriatic】【theban】【mycenae】【sign language】【canaanite】【mainspring】等。
chaldean释义秘术家;英英释义 chaldean[ kl'di:n ]n.a wise man skilled in occult learning同义词:ChaldaeanChaldeean inhabi...
详细解释pheidippides释义费迪皮迪兹(公元前5世纪的雅典长跑运动员);英英释义 PheidippidesPheidippides (, sometimes given as Phidi...
详细解释mecklenburg释义梅克伦堡州(德意志民主共和国州名)(濒波罗的海);英英释义 MecklenburgMecklenburg, Mechlenborg, and Mikke...
详细解释thessaly释义塞萨利(希腊东部一地区)(构成一行政区);英英释义 thessaly[ 'esli ]n.a fertile plain on the Aegean Sea in e...
详细解释Dionysianadj.酒神节的,狂饮的;英英释义 Dionysian[ ,dai'nizin ]adj.of or relating to or worshipping Dionysus
详细解释deucalionn.丢卡利翁;英英释义 DeucalionDeucalion is a 1995 young-adult science fiction novel by Brian Caswell. It follow...
详细解释banquetingadj.(大厅或房间)(用于)举行宴会的; 双语释义n.(名词)[C]宴会,盛宴 a formal dinner for many people in honor o...
详细解释ten commandments释义[法]十诫;英英释义 ten commandments n.the biblical commandments of Moses同义词:Decalogue
详细解释gibraltarn.直布罗陀,冰砂糖;英英释义 gibraltar[ di'br:lt ]n.location of a colony of the United Kingdom on a limestone p...
详细解释draco释义龙旗;蛇旗;英英释义 draco[ 'dreiku ]n.Athenian lawmaker whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every o...
详细解释hellenn.赫楞(相传为希腊人的祖先);英英释义 HellenHellen () was the mythological progenitor of the Hellenes (), the son...
详细解释thermopylae释义塞莫皮莱(希腊东部一多岩石平原)(古时曾是一山口);英英释义 thermopylae[ 'mpli: ]n.a famous battle in 48...
详细解释full tilt释义全速地;全力地;全速地;全力地;猛烈地;英英释义 Full TiltFull Tilt is a young adult novel by Neal Shusterm...
详细解释pyrrhan.皮拉(Epimetheus之女);英英释义 PyrrhaIn Greek mythology, Pyrrha was the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora.以上来...
详细解释hellasn.希腊文(Greece)名称;英英释义 HellasHellas is a verse drama by Percy Bysshe Shelley, written in 1821 and publishe...
详细解释zoroaster释义拜火教的创始人;英英释义 zoroaster[ 'z:ru,st ]n.Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism (circa 628-551 B...
详细解释ashurn.阿舒尔(古代亚述人崇拜的主神和战神),Assyria 最初的首都;英英释义 ashur[ ':u ]n.chief god of the Assyrians; god ...
详细解释furthermostadj.最远方的,最远的;英英释义 furthermost[ 'f:must ]adj.(comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time...
详细解释peloponnesus释义伯罗奔尼撒半岛(希腊南部)(即摩里亚半岛);英英释义 peloponnesus[ ,pelp'ni:ss ]n.the southern peninsula...
详细解释second-rateadj.第二流的;二等的;次等的;平庸的n.次等货,次级品;二等战舰;二流人物;英英释义 second-rate[ 'seknd'reit ]...
详细解释housecleaningn.清扫房屋,革除,肃清;英英释义 housecleaning[ 'haus,kli:ni ]n.(figurative) the act of reforming by the re...
详细解释adriaticadj.亚得里亚海的,亚得里亚海沿岸(或岛屿)居民的;英英释义 adriatic[ ,eidri'tik ]n.an arm of the Mediterranean b...
详细解释thebanadj.底比斯的,底比斯人的;n.底比斯人,底比斯;英英释义 theban[ 'i:bn ]n.an Egyptian inhabitant of ancient Thebesa ...
详细解释mycenae释义迈锡尼(希腊南部古城);英英释义 mycenae[ mai'si:ni: ]n.an ancient city is southern Greece; center of the Myc...
详细解释sign languagen.手语; 变形 复数:sign languages 英英释义 sign language n.language expressed by visible hand gestures同义...
详细解释canaaniten.迦南人,迦南居民;adj.迦南的,迦南人的,迦南文化的;英英释义 canaanite[ 'keinnait ]n.a member of an ancient S...
详细解释mainspringn.主体部分,主要影响;(钟表等的)主发条; 变形 复数:mainsprings 英英释义 mainspring[ 'meinspri ]n.the most i...