共 95 个单词
会计专业英语词汇表相关的的单词有【cash basis】【bank reconciliation】【comparability】【direct method】【treasury stock】【payroll tax】【notes payable】【accounting policy】【accrual】【tax deduction】【notes receivable】【retained earning】【substance over form】【bad debt】【financial instrument】【sole proprietorship】【account form】【at par】【treasury note】【demand deposit】【operating activities】【closing entry】【step-down】【distribution cost】【subsidiary company】【financial leverage】【contra account】【nominal value】【accounting equation】【GAAP】【stock split】【finance cost】【investing activities】【realizable value】【administrative expense】【account payable】【CPA】【accrual basis】【indirect taxation】【understandability】等。
cash basisn.现金制(以现金为依据的记账法);现金收付制;英英释义 cash basis n.a method of accounting in which each item ...
详细解释bank reconciliation释义银行往来调节表;英英释义 Bank reconciliationA Bank reconciliation is a process that explains the ...
详细解释comparabilityn.相似性,可比较性;可比性;英英释义 comparability[ ,kmpr'bilti ]n.qualities that are comparable同义词:com...
详细解释direct methodn.语言等的直接教学法;英英释义 Direct methodThe direct method of teaching, sometimes called the natural met...
详细解释treasury stockn.库存股份;英英释义 treasury stock n.stock that has been bought back by the issuing corporation and is av...
详细解释payroll tax释义薪工税,薪资税,工资税;工薪税;英英释义 Payroll taxPayroll taxes generally fall into two categories: ded...
详细解释accrualn.获利;利息;自然增长;自然增长物 变形 复数:accruals 英英释义 accrualn.the act of accumulating同义词:accumulat...
详细解释notes receivable释义应收票据;英英释义 Notes receivableNotes Receivable represents claims for which formal instruments o...
详细解释substance over form释义实质重于形式;英英释义 Substance over formSubstance over form is an accounting principle used "to...
详细解释bad debtn.呆账(收不回的账); 变形 复数:bad debts 英英释义 bad debt n.a debt that is unlikely to be repaid
详细解释financial instrument释义金融工具;英英释义 Financial instrumentA financial instrument is a tradeable asset of any kind; ...
详细解释sole proprietorship释义独资(经营);英英释义 Sole proprietorshipA sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader or...
详细解释treasury noten.(美国的)中期国库券,英镑纸币;英英释义 treasury note n.securities with maturities of 1 to 10 years; sol...
详细解释demand depositn.活期存款,随时可提取的存款;释义(银行)活期存款;英英释义 demand deposit n.a bank deposit from which wi...
详细解释step-downadj.减缓的,下降的;英英释义 step-down[ 'stepdaun ]n.the act of decreasing or reducing something同义词:decreas...
详细解释distribution cost释义销售领域成本;英英释义 distribution cost n.any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retaile...
详细解释subsidiary companyn.子公司,附属公司;英英释义 subsidiary company n.a company that is completely controlled by another c...
详细解释nominal valuen.票面价值,券面价值;面值;英英释义 nominal value n.the value of a security that is set by the company iss...
详细解释accounting equation释义会计等式;英英释义 Accounting equationThe basic accounting equation, also called the balance shee...
详细解释GAAP释义[财]公认会计准则;英英释义 GAAP[ ]n.a collection of rules and procedures and conventions that define accepted a...
详细解释stock split释义股票分割,拆股;英英释义 stock split n.an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation w...
详细解释account payablen.应付款;英英释义 account payable n.a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services ...
详细解释CPAabbr.Canadian Pacific Airlines 加拿大太平洋航空;Certified Public Accountant (特定)会计师[美],;英英释义 CPAn.an a...
详细解释accrual basis释义权责发生制;应计制;权责发生基础;应计基础英英释义 accrual basis n.a method of accounting in which each...
详细解释understandabilityn.易懂;英英释义 understandabilityn.the quality of comprehensible language or thought同义词:comprehens...